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  • Well this is a very simplified version of what I'm actually doing. The actual menus are composed of a background, texts and a few sprites.

    If you click on all of the menu buttons once you'll see the text overlaps and, more importantly, the variable "Selected" stays "True" on all the buttons. Do you know of a way to set the variable "Selected" to "False" to all of them as I click on any button?


  • The way I do it is to put each menu into a group and then enable/disable the menus I want. The .capx doesn't show much but this is how I would go about getting what you want.

    I can enable and disable the menus as shown in the capx. What I want to do is to delete Menu One when Menu Two is shown and vice versa. Any ideas?

  • Hello world.

    I've been developing a game for a couple of months and learning in the process. I should have chosen an easier game to make...

    The Forum has been a great source of information. Whenever I got stuck I would come here and search for a thread with a problem similar to mine. Alas, I'm stuck and haven't found one regarding my problem.

    I simply want to swap between menus. The layout of my game has all the different menu buttons at the bottom. I've made it working to the point where clicking the buttons shows/hides the assigned menu but I can't figure out how to swap if one menu is already being shown.

    This is what happens: Press Character Button > Character Menu shows

    then press Items button > Item Menu shows on top of Character.

    I want: Press Character Button > Hides all Menus > Character Menu shows

    then press Items button > Hides all Menus > Item Menu shows.

    I simply need to get rid of any Menus as I click on the Menu Button and create the assigned Menu.

    The problem is a lot more simple than it sounds, yet too complicated for me to solve.

    Capx to show what where I am.

    Thank you.


    I want to reset all the menus every time I click on a Menu button THEN show the last clicked button's Menu.


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  • I'm having the exact same problem. Any ideas guys?

  • Hey.

    I tried doing this and also changing the link so it looks more like the one lemo posted but I can't seem to work it out. All i get is the HTML code on my mobile.

    I also can't preview it in my pc, using Chrome. It's all black.


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Member since 17 Aug, 2013

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