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  • Yeah, though I tried my project on 10 + PCs, including a Mac...all to the same result.

    I've tried it on multiple devices and I also never have any luck.

  • This is really impressive. I might use it in my game even though it's styled like an SNES game. Probably something like the 3D enemies in Symphony of the Night that were 3D but still looked like just a complicated pixel sprite due to the low quality textures.

  • Hey, I wonder if you have any success with this issue?

    I have the exact same problem. My only progress concerning it is that I actually sent my large project to Scirra - and the most mind boggling thing of all is that they could not reproduce it. They say they open my project 10 out of 10 times - while I can open it maybe 1 out of 10 times.

    I've not had any luck with it still. I just ended up using save to browser because it's way faster than saving to a project folder ever is. I think it's some PC related setting for the both of us and Scirra can't reproduce the issue because none of us really know what specifically causes it.

  • I was going to put speech synthesis in my game as a joke for the "voice acting" option because it can turn out hilarious. In Chrome I had access to 20+ voices and I assumed NWjs would have them, but it only has the two that Windows comes with and ones I specifically installed. I'm not too surprised because NWjs is a stripped down version of Chromium, it just was a little disappointing to find out speech synthesis doesn't have as much functionality as I thought it would. I would go through the trouble of adding voices to my game, but I don't think this is possible.

  • Glad it worked

    If there are lots of projectiles I can imagine there's probably some low hanging performance-improvement fruit to pick

    Yeah thanks for the help. I can debug the weapons for their performance impact by just disabling the limit of shots on screen and spamming the fire button as fast as I can which is what made me notice this. lol

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  • Use function maps

    I tried it moving each weapon to its own function. Spamming the fire button with no limits still causes the CPU to go up a fair amount, but it's definitely well within the acceptable range unlike before and I can probably just fine tune the weapons to reduce how much they use CPU.

  • Oh wow I forgot those even existed because I never had thought of a use for them. I guess now you pointed me in the right direction and I'll try it.

  • I've run into a problem where when the player presses the fire button, the game has to check the names of over 100 weapons at this point such as in the screenshot. It only happens in a function that triggers when the character is told to fire a weapon, so it only happens for one tick normally when playing. The problem comes where if I remove all limitations from the character and rapidly press the fire button, it can get really bad with CPU usage due to that function call. So I was wondering if there is some other way I can do this that isn't so inefficient.

    This is not a weapons system such as in an RPG where you just get stat boosts and a special attribute sometimes. These are different kinds of projectiles and such that all behave very differently.

  • Their website listed looks like a black/gray market website I probably would only go to with my phone so I don't get 500 viruses just by opening it. Some of the stuff on there is definitely illegal profiting off of piracy.

  • Just add the text object as a child to the sprite object and it gives you options like to be positioned with the parent. Your screenshot has the objects lacking any ID information where Construct can know whose text is whose.

    The thing I've learned with C3 is try to make everything with as few events as possible. If a behavior can do what you want to just as well as events, use it instead.

  • The way you can make a bar that scales to any size you make it is set its width or whatever to:

    max(Bar.fullSize * (Bar.currentValue / Bar.maxValue), 0)

    fullSize would be its 100% full size in px.

  • I don't know about this specific instance, but I know C3 can't change the icons of the NWjs runtime where even back in C2 we were told to change it with a resource hacker. Though Ashley recently made exports create an EXE that automatically does it for us. It might be something related to that.

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