corlenbelspar's Recent Forum Activity

  • Is there a way to get a list of all files the game uses. Like a list of the sounds, for example, so I could then pick one at random for the game to play.

  • Construct 3 lets me enable render layers for 3D layers, so I was wondering how this differs from 2D layers.

  • Is there ever going to be a way to edit with a 3D camera? As it stands My maps in my first person game can only be edited basically looking straight down at the floor/ground/etc. which can sometimes make it harder to do certain mapping.

  • Well so far I've got around it by putting floor decals on a different layer with a Z elevation 0.01 higher than the map layer and used line of sight to cast a ray for wall decals on creation to stick them to the coordinates they hit but 0.1 away from the wall that they're Z elevation is going to match.

    I feel like this is one of the worst solutions for this and I don't like it, but it seems to work. If anyone has any better ideas, please let me know.

    I'm basically using the 3D first person platformer example but I've expanded it far beyond its original scope where multiple actors can be handled instead of only the player, slopes(wedges), ability to aim attacks up and down, etc.

  • I'm trying to place objects like this to add more details to 3D shapes, but it seems to do this partially obscured rendering when perfectly aligned, which I think is actually to be expected. But how can I basically put a bandaid on it to prevent that?

  • Oh yeah, you're right. A large sound wouldn't be able to play until fully loaded to memory because it isn't streaming like audio in the music folder.

  • For an offline only game, how does not preloading sounds impact being able to play them the first time?

  • OMG thank you. You helped me find the proper terms so I could look up the formula and recreate it verbatim in C3 and then change it to suit my needs. Marking as solved. My school system utterly failed me, so I've had to learn what should be simple things like sine and cosine as an adult.

  • I think I don't know how to explain what I'm having trouble with because that doesn't work either. In the video below I'm trying to get the boomerang to set its Z movement angle to the player throughout its entire return flight so it will home in on the player at the correct speed. If I can get this to work right then anything should be able to accurately aim at something in Z elevation.

    It's using bullet behavior as well as a zAngle variable I made that alters its bullet speed so it moves the correct speed if aimed higher or lower. As you can see, the math is correct to change its movement based on zAngle as I can aim directly at the center of my vision no matter where I fire. The problem is that I set the zAngle to -3DCamera.CameraYRotation + 90 when the player fires to accomplish this, but I have no idea how to input something other than -3DCamera.CameraYRotation + 90 or a specific number which makes things like homing shots impossible until I know how. Thanks so far for the help though.

    Here's a video attempting to show what I've done so far.

    EDIT: I found a diagram of the value I need to caclulate. It's X in this. Sorry if I'm being dense. This is actually the first time I've done anything in 3D. So I probably am like one of those 2D creatures in flatland coming into 3D. lol

  • Are you talking about the 3D camera with viewing angle? Because I need an enemy to aim at the player.

  • We all pretty much know how to use angle() so a shot can be aimed from one object to the angle of another, but how do you throw the Z coordinate into the mix if you're doing a first person game? Like the 3D platformer example.

    The specific formula I ended up with is

    atan((Target.ZElevation - Self.ZElevation) / distance(Self.X, Self.Y, Target.X, Target.Y))

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  • There isn't. I'm sure it's on the to do list though because Ashley made all these 3D features available in a short amount of time, so he probably hasn't had time yet to get to it all. It's also impossible to rotate 3D shapes in more than one axis as far as I can tell. I guess we'll see.

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