On the spawn block event, instead of spawning sprite A, you set a variable to choose(1,2,3) and then the outcome is if 1, spawn sprite A selection, if 2, spawn sprite B selection, if 3, spawn sprite C selection.
You can have a global player (set to global in properties) that travels between layouts, that works as long as you don't have any players already in the layout.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
I don't know how can I add any more details. Store the layout name that you want to go to then go to the layout by name ""&variable when you click the button.
Set variable to ""&layoutname
Store the layout name in a global variable then use go to layout by name with the variable. You can also use go to next/previous layout but this is dependent on them being in the same order in the layouts list.
Solids are obstacles by default, you can change Solids to 'Custom' on the LOS behaviour then the Solids will not act as a wall for the LOS.
You can do a constant check of how many are overlapping the box, by saying family overlapping box, set a variable to family.pickedcount. Once that number equals the total number of family instances then they are all overlapping etc, or you can do it the opposite way, pick how many are not overlapping and get it down to 0.
You can try opening it in C3 now and see what happens, I don't know about fonts..
You can export as apk and add the adverts easily on C3.
Very easy to do in C3, maybe you could use the money to pay for a month of C3 and use the mobile advert plugin and apk export tools.
You.ObjectTypeName? use Create Object and select the Players family
Remove the quotation marks from your advert IDs
Because it always changes +1 on object creation there is no need to make a separate event to compare whether the variable changed, you can run the second event after the first one, it could even be the same event with 2 actions.
Member since 5 Aug, 2013