So the Construct developers say it's nothing to do with Construct and cannot help, and you want a user to help? I don't see how! Posting the events won't help much as it is nothing to do with Construct. Maybe it's a problem with your phone.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
If the enemy object has platform behaviour then it is there 'Simulate control'
Well it's not a simple request, sounds more like an app than a mobile game. There is a Geolocation plugin, perhaps you can grab the user's location and then keep comparing to previous co-ordinates to calculate metres travelled.
Reverse the conditions so Gold > 500 is first
A condition under the Sprite object
On created - set animation frame to round(random(x,y)) where x and y are the upper and lower limits and round ensures it is a rounded number.
Well unless I've missed something, loading the save game will load it at the point you saved so the variable will be 60, doesn't matter what you do after the save if you are loading it later.
When you said load it do you mean load the save game? Other than this it's hard to work out unless we see the event sheets. Even if layout B is only linked to the first event sheet it should still add 1 every second I guess.
Regenerate region?
Then you just create the events like you mentioned in the original post, if animation attack1 has finished, do something, what's the problem?
For this you can use &choose(1,2,3)
"What I want is for the score to continue where it left off when my character moves, but add to the score when I stop." ?
Member since 5 Aug, 2013