1. Use a global variable for sound on/off instead of what I guess is an instance variable you're using on the button
2. There is a system condition 'on end of layout', you could use that with the Stop audio action on the layout 1 event sheet
Share the project file of what you tried and I can take a look
Every 2 minutes would be annoying, 2 hours is a long time. Also the pop up could be useful to remind you to save.
You are spawning them outside the layout (Y=-70) and the object is set up to be destroyed outside layout.
I don't think you can do it by name you'll need to pick the object. What's the problem you are having where you can't just pick enemy1 for example?
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Look at the conditions under player with the platform behaviour. If player is overlapping spike, or on collision with spike can also work. Then the action on the right would be to destroy player or subtract some hp.
You can add another condition to 'on start of layout', I think system compare two values LayoutName = "Layout 1" should work well.
Load them in the current layout
Well what I'm thinking is if you are on a remote preview and they are testing an exported game then the variables could be different. You can be playing two different versions of the game and in the preview you could be starting from a different point of the game.
Where are you playing the game from and how are you sharing it?
Layout view doesn't have the same rules when you're adding container objects and sometimes doesn't treat a container as such. I found it is better to create them during runtime. These bugs about moving parts of a container are kind of trivial because the point of a container is to pick everything together in one event, so on your event sheet you would set the layer of one of the objects and all other objects would follow, no real need to start doing all this in the layout view.
The main issue I see now it is because on the vectorX actions you've used self.x needs to be self.platform.vectorx.
Probably you will have an issue if you add more than one enemy, this is the picking I mentioned earlier. I would just use the collision box X and not the enemy as I've edited it here.
Member since 5 Aug, 2013