tarek2 thanks for the explanation of OR, that makes a lot more sense now. I mean, its not ideal, but at least I understand what is happening. I guess I am thinking too programmatically.
looking at the Doc it says:
but it never states the picking only happens on the top event, yikes! that's sort of a huge thing to leave out of the doc!
also combining that with an ELSE ended up being my problem, since an ELSE is just a "did the last event run?". I'm applying programmer logic to Construct events which is probably my main issue.
Nepeo basically I was trying to check if an object had LOS to a number of possible other objects. If so it would "light up" as having detected something. I was trying to only write a single ACTION for the detector to light up by using ORs and then an ELSE if none of them were seen to make sure the detector was "off". I know how to do it now (Family or ELSE IF chain). but someone should probably update the doc on ORs though!
Thanks all....