Here are the formulas:
qarp(a, b, c, t) = lerp(lerp(a,b,t), lerp(b,c,t), t)
cubic(a, b, c, d, t) = lerp(qarp(a,b,c,t), qarp(b,c,d,t), t)
cosp(a, b, t) = (a+b+(a-b)*cos(t*180))/2
When I've use lerp to move sprites it seems to have built in "slow down" toward the end which is great. If I wanted this "slow down" at the beginning and the ending would I use qarp? (or your lerp(lerp(a,b,t), lerp(b,c,t), t)). I tried it when zooming out the layout and it doesn't seem to work like I expected...still feels like a regular old lerp.. since it starts zooming fast then gradually slows.
Set Layout scale to lerp(lerp(LayoutScale,1,0.5*dt), lerp(1,4,0.5*dt), 0.5*dt)
a=LayoutScale (which starts at 1.3)
c=4 (wasn't sure how steep to make the curve)