Hi everbody,
You can call me Mannie. Amateur artist and other stuff. I just got into HTML5 recently and thought I would go learn construct 2 and give it a shot. It's been nice so far with some rough edges in between. As I get better i plan on purchasing it. Just not sure personal or business.
I am an avid game player starting off with Nintendo products and Nintendo fan ********* All tho i do own other consoles; nothing sticks like Nintendo. From this lavender, obviously I got into game making and have since tried any different software attempts. Never actually finished them but hopefully i can with construct too. I have many ideas and just not the programming skill to back it up.
An old project that i revived and changed the basic game mechanics is "Ninja Frogger" So far so good, hoping to finish strong. The game was originally inspired by Naruto but not sure if I should keep the theme or make it original and maybe add special guest characters. Might be asking for help along the way...will see.<img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />
Well later everyone; happy game making. Maybe will make a game together.