DUTOIT's Recent Forum Activity

  • You can't I'm afraid. Steam and Scirra are completely different licenses.

    Besides, the steam version has lots of draw backs. It turned me grey - lol.

    I purchased another copy (business license here) with another account to get away from steam.

    If you absolutely must, good news is steam has specials all the time. usually 50% off, but I have seen 75% as well from time to time.

  • Goto google maps and pick a city. Scroll until you have the right size map and the zoom you want. Press F11 for ful streen and then PrtScn button on your keyboard and open paint. Paste it in there and presto, one city map.

  • Lol, zeropad works very well - n1 RamPackWobble

    GLAD you came right Heptagono

  • Because when I turn it into an int() from a Str(), the 01 turns into a 1

    Of course it does, in numbers you don't get 01. That is cosmetic 1 is 1

    01 = 0 because 0x1=0

    You can show user 01, but when you calculate you use 1.

    Example below is to show 01 to use 1 as calculation just add int(variable)

  • TiAm, new file attached above - last one didn't show 1000000 correctly due to rounding error....

    Credit goes to R0J0hound - wish I could find his orginal thread on this.

    And attached without the decimal

  • Try this

  • Lol, still with the text boxes

    Turn variable into text and save it as '01'

    then when you need it turn it into number int(variable)

  • Yip, its back and I see tom is playing with the forum sigs - lol. Busy guy.

  • kota,

    THere you go. And that was actually in the construct > new > template(move to mouse) I just added pined behaviour and a variable purchases and tick boxes and a opacity.

    Like I said all freely available and templates already built with tons of comments etc.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • OKAY.

    Really simple, I didn't design shop. Just used variable purchased. 1 = yes | 0 = no

    If yes, then ship wears sprite2. If no, ship doesn't.

    Sprite(ship) moves to mouse and sprite2 is pinned to ship.

    Ship always wears sprite2 (cloths), I just make it visible if he purchased, or invisible if he didn't

  • but i dont get how the make the item go to the player when he plays the game i dont get it mayhe it cus im a video learener all i need is the and then i can publish my game

    Give me a little bit, will post something.

  • kota,

    I understand your bad at english, its not a problem.

    What you're asking is basics of construct.

    Have you done the ghost shooter tutorial?

    Have you done the space blaster?

    Have you gone through any of the example templates?

    I ask because they cover everything you need.

    You notice your coin is actually a health bar - all those tutorials cover that.

    You want player to wear his purchases. Look at real time startegy templay. See how they make the tank wear the turrent etc etc etc.

    Guizmus gave you a perfectly good shop example. And all I see you doing is giving screenshots of what you want.

    My gut says you are not interested in actually doing any work, and expect others to build this for you (based on your past posts I don't see any active involvement from your side)

    Some people make games, others pay people to make games (there is a job board if you don't want to make your game)

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Member since 17 Jul, 2013

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