DUTOIT's Recent Forum Activity

  • Sorry but after reading the "Supporting multiple screen sizes" article, I can't find the best size for my project.

    I found this Article very helpful because he compared various devices/marketplaces.

    And what to do with that info in regards to best sreen sizes

  • This is an awesome tutorial on how to do it.

    Edit: I see you commneted on that tut? 11 months ago. Didn't it work for you?

    Edit: Oh, its you. still disappointed. Sorry bye.

  • Trix420, or Skippy9191, or Kota - you keep getting banned.

    You keep demanding capx, you refuse to learn c2.

    You want people to make you videos because you are a visual learner.

    Lots of us have helped you. You received a shop system, and how to add wardrobe to player. You want to make a big game, and expect the team members to do all your work for you. Oh, wait you said game was almost complete. A game that is easily a couple hundred events and not possible to make on r163 free version. You are rude, demanding and you admitted you got a hacked version of C2.

    Reported again.

    I have 4 topics and the rest is responses to other people.

    the 4 topics: 3 were for bug reports and 1 was to say I managed to get my game to play on smart tv.

    Almost 500 posts I have made to help people.

    I studied the manual. I read the tutorials. I did the examples.

    And I have managed. Yes, takes longer to do it this way. But in the long run, it is the better way.

  • teacherpeter -

    Lol, so sorry not you

    The skippy9191, who was Kota etc etc etc.

    He is now banned (again!)

    Edit: I just quoted what you said about him being rude and wanted to inform you that he is has been reported.

  • I must comment by the way that "Can u not read bro" is a fairly rude way to address someone who posted a helpful link for you...

    This guy [SKIPPY1919] was banned yesterday using another username. Moderaters have been notified.

    He also has pirated version of C2. He is digging himself into a dangerous hole.

    edit: sorry for confusion teacherpeter, added whom was being naughty.

  • Very Good Tutorial shows you how

  • There is a sonic game made with construct 2 floating around somewhere - and it is really good. Can't remember how I got it, or if I can share it but it is called SCW2.capx

    693 events

    10 mb memory

    No physics if I remember correctly.

    and author nailed the loops - he did a great job, but never completed it.

  • Play all the good old games on your browser: http://www.xtdos.com/

    Currently playing blackthorne, flashback

    Finnished: duke nukem 3d, heritec, quake etc

  • DUTOIT Mine turned six months the other day. He loves black things, lol.

    Cool, about same age as my gravatar.

    Yip, from now on they grow up so fast, its scary. Before you know it your heart think it can't love them any more and you find you love them more each minute/day.

    Kids give us reason, purpose and joy.

    If your vision so exceeds your ability, then look to something closer.

    Very appropriate sig - n1

  • DUTOIT Haha, cute kid.

    Yip, very cute. He is 2 now and loves dinosaurs

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Is there any way to report an IDIOT/troll? .. I noticed that he (kota) has apparently been reported on warez, but IMHO kick/ban are the least minimum he deserves?

    Thanks to new forum you can also add him to foe list

    Its beautiful feature - lol

    Go to pm - which is in User Account Control panel - look to your right - see "Friend or Foe" Just add his username to foe list.

    Such time saver. No more Kota

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Member since 17 Jul, 2013

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