DUTOIT's Recent Forum Activity

  • There is a fantastic tut in the tutorial section which walks you through this. It loads a gui layout over another layout.

    you can make game like rayman with construct 2 ? "you can not"

    Lol, not in a month no, a game like that will take a year or more to make.

    I've been following this fantastic game...


    ... yes its made with construct 2.

    You are only limited by your ability.

    Ughhhh, not another one of these...

    Agreed, just wasted 1 min of my life reading his rant.

    Feel kinda sorry for him, he is about to waste another month only to realize that there is nothing wrong with Construct 2's performance, but rather that the fault is his.

  • [quote:3k0u2tst]I had this working then rearranged some things and now it does not work. I have found that at times simply changing, adding or deleting code does not activate properly when testing the game. Its as if the whole thing is stuck in the previous scope and unable to update to the new commands.


    Okay. Firstly never ever delete code - Disable it. Right Mouse click - Toggle Disable (it strikes it out) Delete code only at end when everything is finished, working.

    How you testing?

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  • Spindraft,

    Click full editor, and scroll down below text box you will see upload attachment. Click that And upload an example capx. Walk us through exactly what is the issue.

    Couple things to note. This is code, not word document

    And programmers are shortcut users, so have a look here (I have it on my wall at all times) will attach a nice printable copy for you.

    I speed read this, so forgive me for not hitting all your issues.

    I just want to cover the red X - this can be found by right clicking the event and you will notice X invert <- that is how you insert the X

    What the X does is very very important. If you read the manual (this is not an attack, it is a nudge) you will have read about conditions and would know that Conditions can be inverted, which flips the thing they test (very cool feature)

    For example, the condition Monster is overlapping Player is true whenever a monster is touching the player. However, if inverted, it appears with a red invert icon X and means Monster is not overlapping Player.

    If you put those into the code, everything shoud work.

    Also because this is code, you cannot copy and paste anywhere. It is a safty feature. you can't paste code that references an object when that object doesn't exist for example.

    Anyways, I understand where everyone is coming from. It is extremely frustrating to help someone when they are not prepared to learn - Any software comes with a learning curve, and most folks won't even open a manual.

    C2 is has a learning curve, it takes a programming learning curve of everest, and turns it into a gentle hill. But it still requires learning. So we veterans like to check on is user actually willing to do some work and learn. In your case you haven't even read 20 pages of the manual - So understand that we trying to talk the same language, but you don't know the language.

    The mod has stepped in and called a seace fire, which is great, no one likes conflict. But we also don't have to help anyone either. megatronx has a wealth of knowledge, and he is actually very helpful, but you didn't meet him halfway in actually reading the manual. This is what started the confrontation.

    So recap. Read the manual. Make references to sections within and use the upload attachment feature when making posts by adding example capx. Give info as much as possible.

    But inportant - READ THE MANUAL. Check out tutorial section. Build a few example games (such a large amount of knowledge found > Open construct > click new > scroll down to examples and open them up ) Be blown away with those babies

    Edit: Forgot to add your nice printable shortcuts

  • Same here. I started up my browser and almost fell out my chair - I was still logged in. Bravo. Round of applause. I didn't have to log in today

  • And another example...

    Don't give up, keep trying, keep learning.

  • Yip, it works well. I am afriad of ' as a divider - lol

    I use | I've <-messed up too often using '

  • Very cool.

  • It shouldn't really matter.

    I would say array is the better option, less chances of error in finding what you want. And probably marginally faster depending how you plan to parse your text. If you are talking a small little chunk of text then go that way. If you talking 50 plus entries, and especially in the 100's, 1000's then array were designed for that.

    I still parse text that i fetch from an array(array within an array - lol), maybe that is an option.

  • I think people would agree with me in wondering who you are?

    No company name, website links etc.

    Can you not add in these details so everyone in this forum can at least research you before sending you their details/CV's/portfolios?


    Just as you are looking for the correct candidate, so are potential candidates looking if you are the correct company.

    As newt says, hard to tell with such cloak and dagger tactics and in my experience when people aren't willing to publically say who/what their company is, what it's past projects have been, who is involved, etc it usually isn't a legit business.

    Most professionals need a company name at least because we also like to check that everything is legit.

    For example: Are they registered. Do they pay their taxes. How many directors/shareholders. How long they been in business. Do they have debt, how much, do they pay their bills etc etc etc

    No use signing contracts with a de-registered business, or one that has a track record of not paying for services rendered.

  • > Oh, I see where the confusion is.


    > You have one layout. That layout has multiple layers. Layers 3 to 9 can be for levels 1 to 6. and Layer 10, 11, 12 can be menus and layer 13 can be GUI.


    > As user completes level1 layer 3 is hidden and group for layer 3 is deactivated.

    > Layer 4 group is activated and layer 4 is made visible.



    Hi DUTOIT, I've been thinking about this idea, do you have a sample capx that I can look into?

    Not in sample form, but it shouldn't take you longer than 10-20min to do yourself.

    There is a nice GUI tut which actuall uses a global layout for GUI, which is simplier than what I originally said, but each has its drawbacks and pro's.

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