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  • you can. Just install r165 and use an autosave file.

    delete .backup3 or .autosave

  • I haven't looked at the code, but I can say it probably isn't isn't dictionary.

    The r166 unfortunetly has a number of bugs. My guess it is trigger once which is a known problem with r166

    I think ashley will be releasing a fix shortly.

    [quote:2paefu4m]Not allowed to be used for commercial purposes

    It doesn't get clearer than that. You are not allowed to make any money with C2 using the free version.

    If C2 is involved in any way or form, then no you can't make money.

    Ask yourself. Did I use Construct 2 free version to make this .....?......, then I can't sell it.

  • Glad it works

  • You should consider saving data to webstorage - so that player doesn't loose his keys when he leaves game. Set save progress up early, else it is going to be a nightmare later

  • Try Construct 3

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  • The new multiplayer plugin is perfect for this.

    I just added it to one of my turn-based projects. Very cool.

  • You can find a number in the tutorial section, but the only way is to actually make a small project and test them out for yourself.

  • Im agree with Dutoit of only little percent really earn money.

    but i do not undertand what is 1000 people give 1 day annual salary.

    To make 1000 a month need 1000 people for $1 one game in 1 month.. so is 12 games (one per month) per year.

    Lol, I overly complicating things I guess.

    Point is, what do you consider success, work out how much you need (sales and games) and go do it.

    Some folks make tons, others scrape by. In the end making money isn't winning the lotto, it requires hard work and lady luck, and if she isn't giving, then create your own luck.

  • Im agree with Dutoit, maybe a little exaggerated in the % starve.

    There is also people who earn enough for living maybe little more maybe less.

    the piramid could be 5% rich.... 20% enough for livinng 75% starve... i just added a % for people who earn enough money to live that is more % than rich % but less % than starving.

    The main idea Dutoit want to say is... very very low % rich people and huge % starve people.

    Katzin - Thanks for clearing that up

    95% have more month than their wallets can accomodate. This applies to all of us

    Only 5% are truly profitable - make sense?

  • Its true for every single industry.

    How many million new books are published every year. How many spots on the bestseller list?

    How many salesmen? How many make seven plus digits?

    How many brokers? Who aren't broke?

    How many games come out in a year? Can you count 100 top games that year? All time yes, but a single year.

    Now look how many are released for pc, mobile, consols etc etc etc.

    Yes, it is very true.

    Multi billion industry, some top companies take big chunks of that, they also can afford to pay game developers some big chunks. Every now and again you get a small team that get a hit, but the average guy trying to make a game has to answer this....

    How much do I need to make a living = X

    How many games do I need to sell/people download/people play/ads veiwed/ etc to give me X = Y

    Do your own math, numbers don't lie.

    What do I consider profitable? For me the magic number is 1000.

    I want 1000 people to give me 1 days worth of their annual salary.

    That means I earn a little over 2 x the average annual salary. I have 1000 days of salary vs 365.

    Example to illustrate:

    So to make 1,000 a month I need to sell 1000 games a year at $12 game, or 2000 a $6, or 3000 a $4, etc

  • This industry is a money pit.

    Which industry isn't

  • Do you know the profits in a games?

    Multi Billion Dollar Industry - huge profits

    Is for download? how mach for each?

    $0 to couple hundred dollars

    other way to earn money with the game?

    Licensing, Advertising, Owning, Playing, Renting, etc etc etc

    5% of game makers make big bucks.

    95% of game makers starve.

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