Ritterphilipp's Recent Forum Activity

  • thanks you for you help. After a lot of hours i found a solution and it work now. have a nice week!!!

  • How I make sure that each Tower in the game has a different number? Each tower is built during the game with enough resources.

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  • Hello Community,

    I have a kind of tower defense game. However, I have the problem that I give my tower an upgrade feature which works great. As soon as I put down a second tower, it does not work anymore. Not even the interface can be seen when you press on the tower.

    What can this be? I think I need something that just upgrades one of these towers. Maybe the system thinks that at the moment all towers will be upgraded and so on at the same time and that's why it does not work. I do not know how to improve individual objects (though they are the same) alone. ("Pick by unique ID ???) are there any good tutorials? Maybe it's something else.

    Please help me :)

  • If I zoom in with the layout scale in the game, then my HUD (layer 1) stays small. here the pictures:

    How i can do it better?

  • Of course, I have already looked at a Turorial and made a own loadingscreen. I have just one problem. When the project starts, the loadingscreen of Construct 3 still appears and then my own loading screen. (I also changed a bit in the project properties, I'm attaching some pictures, please help me :)

  • thanks, But that did not work. However, the following apparently worked: I deleted my browser data. Whenever I do that, everything runs smoothly again. there are quite a few 370 MB or so sometimes stored in Google Chrome. (My project is only 72MB.) I think that's not the best solution ... hm. but works.

  • How can I change the view between the layouts? Is there a way to change the view without affecting all layouts?

  • Hello best community in the world!

    I need help again:

    I have several problems with Construct 3:

    - The preview mode is unstable and sometimes jerky

    - sometimes I can not start the project preview: Unknown error. or I cant save the project. unknown error.

    How is that possible? This makes working a lot harder for me and its not fun if my new things are not saved and they all have to be redone. las tweek I didnt had problems like this. Tody my project is bigger but that cant be the reason... :(

    maybe bad internet connection?

    Please help me :(((

  • THANKS!!! It was Construct 2 runtime. I changed to Construct 3 and now it works fine. I love the helpful community. I get always perfect answers. See you!

  • I using the Construct 3 engine and export. What do you mean with construct 3 runtime?

  • I've already exported my game often and uploaded to Newgrounds. But now, when I try it, the game on newgrounds gets stuck in the loading screen of construct 3. every time. I really do not know why. Everything works fine in preview mode. Anyone ideas and can help me? :(

    I used the html archive upload.

    Please help me ^^

  • THANKS!! It works fine. Im happy now :D The Construct 3 Community is really great! Do you know how to change the look of the mouse in the game?

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Member since 7 Sep, 2018

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