Isomoar's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi, I have two sprites one is controlled by the 8direction behaviour and the other I need to set it's position [everytick] to the opposite or mirror of the 8dir movement. I am not too clued up on the math needed to achieve this if any one could help, thanks!

  • Thanks will check these out!

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  • Check out the custom movement behaviour you should be able to do what you suggest with that.

  • How can I use the steam leader boards like this game Bit Blaster XL?

    I have the greenworks plugin but may have missed something.


  • Aha! Marvellous many thanks, I hope others also find this useful.

    Life saver

  • I have had this working several different ways before but for some reason it isn't working this time.

    Here is the code I am using.

    The data is in the array, the AsJSON displays the string correctly. However the Section_Marker is not created.

    Perhaps there is something glaringly obvious that I am overlooking.

    I have checked visibility on both the layer and the Section_Marker as well as creating it on a different layer.

    I have tried recreating it in another .CapX here

  • Ahha! excellent!

    Thanks for your help!

  • Hi, I am trying to create an in game tilemap editor (for my use not the players) which I have done before and it worked.

    However when I download my array I get these symbols:


    I am probably missing something very simple as I have been comparing this to my other one for hours and can't see what it is.

    A fresh set of eyes would be appreciated.

    I have recreated the issue in this .capx and tested it with chrome, firefox and internet explorer, I get the same from each. ... ditor.capx

  • Awesome been looking for something like this, thanks for the link!

  • Hey! Submitting my game at last, took a little longer than expected due to working on my own and my over ambitiousness.



  • I'm not sure what version you played but I've been updating it constantly and am currently working on something. I think in the version you played the upgrades were applied at different score levels so for example dual shot at 1400 and missiles at 2000. (The version I am working on now has an upgrade menu instead, people seem to like choosing their upgrades rather than being given them.) I don't feel that the enemies move too fast however, I believe that is a part of the challenge. The Idea I had was that you have to kill enough enemies to keep up with the enemy waves in terms of upgrades. I'm not sure how to answer the last question lol its round and purple its a weird alien ufo I wanted it to look as such.

  • I can't pm you I don't have a high enough rep haha!

    I do however have the blank screen issue :P

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