NGX's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hello from Argentina!

    Im trying to replicate the clouds from the Autorrunner.capx, but instead of going from side to side im trying to make them go from top to bottom.

    But it dosnt work, i cant replicate it, i need help :(

    Bonus question: Based on the Autorruner.capx, Im forced to mantain the layoutheight to repeat the tiled background, but then i cant have multiple layouts heights, im forcet to leave that as is, anyone knows how can i archive this effect?

    The effect im looking for

    The File im working on:

    The original project:

  • > The suggestions platform has lots of great ideas, but i don't think highlighting them here on the forums will change the outcome that most of these suggestions will ultimately get, not just from the devs, but also simply because the platform just doesnt work.

    Besides Scirra's attention seems to be elsewhere at the moment.

    Hello, im new to the community but been working with Construct for the past 10 years.

    Whats up with this? Can someone fill me up with the Scirra objectives with the tool?

    Im from argentina and work near the founder of Godot, Juan Liniesky in FundAV.

    I think Scirra needs to make the C3 open source like godot. One of the things that we talk about the topic of "Game engines" in the local Dev Community its the lack of resources in the latam user to buy access to C3.

  • Remote preview:


    Im making this platformer and wanted to play the full land animation without player input.

    But the if you spam A(Left) and D (Right) just before landing the player gets stuck in the floor.

    Im trying to activate some variables when the player its jumping, moving, and landing. (Screen)

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  • Hi!

    Im trying to make this idea that i have:

    You have 3 instances of the same sprite, each one starts at a animation 1 (Base).

    If you click a sprite, it will choose between animations 2 to 7 and it will change a boolean from false to true.

    The objective is to click all the instances of the sprites at least one time to activate a "secret code" (XD)

    But im stuck and i need help to make it just as i imagined.


    How can i make that the secret code ONLY appears when you click ALL the instances of the sprite?

    How can i make that the sprites dont repeat the same Animation frames when i click them?

    For example: I click the sprite(Anim 2) and yeah, it changes the animation, but it changes to the SAME Animation!

    Maybe i should use diferent frames instead of using diferent animations? Idont know UnU

    Thanks in advance!

  • Hello!

    Not exactly, im looking to:

    Make the player move with the left stick (Done)

    Use the right stick to control an "aming dot" 360 degrees around the player sprite. (I dont know how)

    The example has the right stick stuck at 180 degrees, i think.

    Thx tho!

  • All the .CAPX examples from the results i could find are broken links UnU.

    Can someone give an example of this kind of movement?

    With my left stick i need to move my MC, and with the right stick i can control the aiming.


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    Thanks in advance!

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Member since 18 May, 2018

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