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    to me the issue is more about not even owning the software fully, I'm happy to pay somewhere between 150-200 for a perpetual license and just have updates for the year, then just pay say 60 for another years of updates if I renue if not I can wait a year, that's the bit that winds me up, why should I rent software ? if something happens and I cant work for a while iv burned money, its just a model that needs to change, not owning things is a bad move and service and a insult to your consumers when paying what was ownership prices originally

  • Your answer I’m just finding a bit confusing soz cus what would var be ?

    Would I be

    (1+dt, 2)

    As construct just says no to that in the layout scale parameter

  • How would I in the value go

    Set value for 1-4 every tick (dt) but stop at 4 ?

  • Formular maths insted of tween, how can I use math formulars in values to increase a value over time. I.E value will go from 1 - 2 over 1 second ?


  • I got a enermy with path finding moving to the player fine but need to set the right 8 directional sprite to face the player ? How do I achieve this ? Thanks

  • What is my best way thats most efficant to replicate this style of system where apon level up you pick modular skill trees that effect bullets etc.

    ATM I got my XP down as a dictionary (not global value) and XP climbing up to make you level up at thresholds. I also got the gun on shoot every 0.5 seconds when left click is down. How can I build modular level-up modifiers to effect gun firing parameters etc without having to write loads of different levels worth of stats ?

    My only way of doing it atm i think is setting variables, n saying whilst this is ture do this version of the gun rather then modifying the actual second speed. But id actually like it if you pick the say speed shooting upgrade, it affects the 0.5 seconds of the left click originally so these values build up rather then loads (40+) different Yes/No variables (LEVELS) but that may be how I have to do it.

    and effect reload speed and ammo count variables


    Hope this makes sense.

  • Tween behavior is made specifically for this case. You can tween a certain parameter (like sprite opacity), or a numerical value.

    But how do I set that to the Intensity of a glow parameter?

  • Hi, I got a gun that it’s on a player, I want it to rotate around to shoot which I have done, and set the location to origin of the character, however when it rotates I don’t want it to spin on the spot, I want it to go around in a circle a set distance from the player. Like a orbit behavior but fully controlled by the mouse, I tried doing it with a orbit but then the gun never faces the same way

    (Example how in 20 minuets Untill Dawn how the gun circles around on top of the player)

    Any help would be appreciated please

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  • Hi do i modulate or increase parameters over time ? i.e when i pick up a EXP point object, i want my sprite/character glow horizontally and vertical intensity grow go from 0-100% and back down to 0 over 1 second in a sine wave pattern. Tried using a Sine value hasn't worked, dono is way in value tabs i can dictate a value to grow over time or

  • Hi I’m doing a top down jrpg style pixel art style game, and when my character runs on water I’d like to see ripples as she does so that trail behind the path you take. What’s my best option for doing this please ?

  • In games such as Exile and final fantasy X have a grid based leveling system, how can I replicate this in Construct please ?

  • Hi my idea is to have a branching skill grid just like final fantasy X where each sphere or point is a certan stat Incress for a rpg character. How would I go about constructing this in full detail please. I'll outline main points below

    1. Player needs to level up to earn so many token to unlock so many points at a time

    2. Each point needs to add a boost to corisponding stat on there character

    3. Then need to make each point change and the path to each point glow so got visual feedback of where you have gone

    Thanks :)

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