Warhorse's Recent Forum Activity

  • I found an example of proof of concept, but its probably not C2:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    People are starting to realize it could work: http://www.kotaku.com.au/2015/10/video- ... st-person/

    I hope that people see VR as a portable TV too and that 2D games can work, otherwise it means the beginning of the end for 2D. Personally i think it gives the feeling of being inside the machine. Maybe a computer. Other possibilities could be a VR world with a handheld console in the world, that plays 2d games.

    I just did a bit of research and 1 possible way might involve the developer version of the Hololens which was just released last month. Combine that with the universal platform and it might just be possible, but it would cost a few hundred pound to find out, which I don't have.

  • I found an example of proof of concept, but its probably not C2:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    People are starting to realize it could work: http://www.kotaku.com.au/2015/10/video- ... st-person/

    I hope that people see VR as a portable TV too and that 2D games can work, otherwise it means the beginning of the end for 2D. Personally i think it gives the feeling of being inside the machine. Maybe a computer. Other possibilities could be a VR world with a handheld console in the world, that plays 2d games.

    Ashley I have the utmost respect for your work at Scirra, However, the early Atari games were created on computers that were not intended for the task and I want to believe that it is possible.....somehow.

    I just did a bit of research and 1 possible way might involve the developer version of the Hololens which was just released last month. Combine that with the universal platform and it might just be possible, but it would cost a few hundred pound to find out, which I don't have.

  • I found an example of proof of concept, but its probably not C2:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    People are starting to realize it could work: http://www.kotaku.com.au/2015/10/video- ... st-person/

    I hope that people see VR as a portable TV too and that 2D games can work, otherwise it means the beginning of the end for 2D. Personally i think it gives the feeling of being inside the machine. Maybe a computer. Other possibilities could be a VR world with a handheld console in the world, that plays 2d games.

    Ashley I have the utmost respect for your work at Scirra, However, the early Atari games were created on computers that were not intended for the task and I want to believe that it is possible.....somehow.

    I just did a bit of research and 1 possible way might involve the developer version of the Hololens which was just released last month. Combine that with the universal platform and it might just be possible, but it would cost a few hundred pound to find out, which I don't have.

  • Here's a good article with a breakdown of HTML5 on each of the consoles:

    http://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/MattAlla ... ign=buffer

    Cool thanks, ill read it now!

    Also as of recent updates with window 10, there are changes coming. Reading between the lines somewhat, It is implied that when xb1 gets the windows 10 store update they can access the windows store which is host to many html5 games.

    This could be great as it may open up the door for us to xb1, however this will also mean we are at the market forces of the windows store. Which currently, you need a marketing budget or a brand to break through from free apps to paid ones.

    Many believe that a quality game can demand a fair price, I want to believe this but their are as many good examples as bad and I have not tested it myself.

    Plus it opens the door for every app dev out there. MS will re-educate ppl about screen sizes with a little icon on the store, so ppl know if it is designed for their size device(which usually dictates screen size).

    Good luck to anybody reading this, perseverance is the key!

  • I had my game running, albeit slowly on the Xbox360 internet explorer a year or so ago. This is great to quickly show your game to friends on a big tv, but not so good if you want to make money from it. As a community we could bundle a few games together and really have a run at the big guys with The 101+ indie game bundle. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    I am going to really delve into this one and find out whats' what, because it seems the best route to actually making enough cash to live off. I know some peeps that released onto the 360 arcade and they have never looked back since. I know only the top 10-15% of xbox indie developers made enough cash to live off and they were minecraft clones and avatar games, so I am aiming for the arcade standard.

    My theory is this..Microsoft are planning/implementing their universal Windows App, in the future we will see xbone gamers play against pc gamers(again,since it did not make it last time). Under this new scheme, you should in theory be able to make a windows 10 game and xbone, in theory...?

    This topic is brushed upon at this thread:


    Where these websites are mentioned:

    See here:

    http://dev.windows.com/en-us/develop/bu ... ndows-apps

    And here:

    http://www.hanselman.com/blog/TheNewRas ... lApps.aspx

    My problem with this official ms site is that is does not directly address the issue of Construct 2 and so we can't read anything into it with certainty. We all want to get our games in front of the Xbox live community, frankly it was "my facebook" as in it was my social revolution, long before facebook was even conceived. Before that I had an xbox original hub and had halo parties (happy dayz).

    I have come to realize that those that are putting their games on the xbone will have signed an non disclosure agreement and as such might not be able to discuss things here, so openly.

    Also from that thread, Ashley said

    "We already support universal apps, and if there is anything we need to change to support the Xbox One then we will obviously do that as soon as humanly possible.

    As for Spartan I've heard it has performance improvements, so it should be a nice improvement over IE11 - but I don't think they have any plans to port it to windows 7/8 right now, so the ridiculous OS support limitations of IE will continue... even if Spartan is as good as Chrome, I'd still recommend Chrome or Firefox simply because you can get the latest version on any OS!"

    So thats great news!

    If you have concerns about the size of your game, like I have. then its a typical rookie mistake, I was too ambitious and did not use tile mapping, although it was not available then, so who can blame me. Anyway, I would advise an episodic format, that way it is 6 smaller games. I am sure you would experience some drop off in players as a negative side effect, but it would also make it easy to boost uptake with a free episode, discounted offers or playable demo. Not to mention the obvious benefits of building a more ambitious game.

    Think about it, after the first episode the backbone of the next one is already built, you just add and change whats needed!

    I'm not a fan of in app purchases, I come from an advertising background and don't mind them, but gamers hate them. Over the last year I have come to realise that advertising is not going to pay your bills. The average rate is between $1 for 1000 plays and $5 for 1000 plays, but this varies depending on the type of advert. Basically, its feeble. So I would not bother again. It is easy to delude yourself into thinking, maybe if I make a better game, maybe the next one will make it, etc.

    Don't trick yourself, we work hard, we deserve to be paid. A few bucks seems like nothing to xbox gamers, compared to trying to get blood from a stone on the mobile market and app stores.

    Time and time again, those ready to adopt the new hardware and release early have seen the bottom line benefit in sales because they have a limited choice of games, although it is probably too late for that speech already.

    Nintendo were a big consideration for our game Tobi Shinobi, but that is cancelled(over ambitious) and I was not convinced that I would not end up in debt to Ninty. Microsoft dev kits will only cost me a new xbox one to get going, unless im mistaken(I have not signed up yet). PS4, I looked into, but did not have the resources of a full studio and subsequently could not complete the sign up process.

    Xbox live is my community, even if they are losing the hardware war I still have a lot of pull in the community and could get significant sales based on this alone. Most of them would be happy to pay a few pounds if I put it on a plate in front of them. Times that by 100 sales and you are into the bottom end of numbers you can live off, providing you can repeat it on a monthly basis, which should be no problem once word gets around and you get some referrals along the way. I can foresee that people are not going to pay every month forever, but it helps boost you at the start and once the ball is rolling keeping it rolling is easier as you gain recognition. Followers on xbox one make that easier too.

    Good luck everybody, I hope this helps focus you on where you want to be!

  • Making money with C2 is not impossible. This is a business you will be running, just like any other and is open to all the same forces. If nothing else, it looks really good on your CV when going for an entry level Tester role per se.

    Firstly you must look at the business models available and pick the right one for you. Are you making one full game or many smaller ones? Both can lead to where you wanna go, but if you have minimal experience I would go with the smaller ones to build up your skills first, but what it ultimately comes down to is money.

    Can you support yourself until the money starts coming in...? Rovio made over 150 games before Angry Birds and what you make needs to be good. I am told many people give up after 2 or 3 poor releases. Especially your first one as it can be the hardest as you may emotionally invest in it, only to watch it fail. I learnt to be more professional and open to critique from this. If you want honest opinion from gamers, not just your friends and family then I suggest putting it through the Beta program on Kongregate. Members of the community will review it and expect high standards.

    The story I remember at this time for inspiration is that of the creators of final fantasy. The reason its called this is because it was going to be their last game, but then they gained some coverage and sales and it all snow balled from there.

    Have you watched indie game: the movie?

    In this example, one of the guys is basically a penniless hermit for 5 years and then becomes wealthy overnight.

    I am still holding onto my personal philosophy and that is "freemium sucks".

    I love the world of advertising and its ability to give a cash injection to almost any business with media exposure. Young people today are raised in an environment of free, I was NOT!

    "Quote" get the free app, it has adverts, but its free."

    Slightly Off Topic

    A friend told me that he saw an advert for Popcorn Time on project cars, is this even legal?

    (if you don't have a clue about this then google it, its too long a side topic to explain here).

    Back on Topic

    The fact is that advertising revenue alone is NOT enough to support most dev teams and is often only supplementary to another revenue stream.

    This leaves CROWDFUNDING through kickstarter and many other sites like it. I have not tried it yet and am not keen because 85-90% of people fail on the first go, but are often successful on a later try. So its a matter of getting over that first hump I think. Check out Notion games and Super Ubie Land for a good example of this.

    Which leads me to the second avenue.

    The traditional route-Via Console

    If you have the skills and resources you can now make games for WiiU, after that you will not have any trouble being taken seriously, but also it might mean HTML5 just is not be good enough for full console development. One problem is the 800 object limit and some people have converted to Unity for console meaning a big rebuild rather than a simple port.

    Which reminds me, how comes we can make window 8 games, but not XBOX. Anybody could make a better 2 week game with C2 than with XNA. (Just saying).

    The realistic choice

    Until I can get myself known enough to sell non exclusive licenses and gain sponsorship I need to make and sell as much as possible. So I will go with the smaller game route, however I am still working on my monster baby called Tobi Shinobi by Andrew Martin. In order to fund a bigger release I would seek funding through kickstarter, as development kits cost thousands.

    In the meantime we need to eat and pay the bills. So I suggest making a game in about a week or 2. Make sure it is original, highly polished and tested. Try to make it look visually stunning as much as possible.

    When complete, as suggested previously you could try to get it on as many of the gaming portals as possible(including Kongregate, miniclip,newsground, etc) A list can be found on pixelprospector.com

    However, if you can make at least 2 simple games a month and sell the non-exclusive license to multiple portals you could make 10's of 1000's from each game. The important part of this deal is that the game has no advertising in it as it has been paid for by the licensee.

    I hope that helps!

    checkout FGL.com

  • Thanks Ashley and everybody at Scirra. This represents a big opportunity, I can't wait........

    You need to contact Nintendo via this link: https://wiiu-developers.nintendo.com/

    In the mean time, why not work on your game, get it ready for pc. so that when the time comes, you minimize the work for later.

  • Is there a way to input/inject the Mochi Media API into a C2 game?

    Thanks in advance.

    Did you manage to find a way?

  • kittiewan

    Great tutorial!

    I have the problem where by I have between 3-5 pairs of the heart image, everything else is peerrfect up to part3b.

    I'm not keen to continue further until this problem is fixed, as it could cause more problems later on.

    Please help in exchange for a *Free saucer of milk*

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  • Hi,

    I am interested in helping you release Pro Janitor Police.

    I can help fix your issues and aid in PR and Marketing.

    I have done a small bit of AAA testing and have developed my own games with C2. It would be great to Skype chat to see if we can make it work, talk shop and all that!

    my email is apmartin81gzu@gmail.com

  • Having spent a bit of time on the site, it would seem that all work has stopped.

  • >>>>>>>>Sorry, this post is closed as the issue has been found<<<<<

    Thank you for your help Black Hornet, can you private message me your email address and name, so I can add you to the credits and send you a copy on completion.

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Member since 27 May, 2013

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