Other users have reported a temporary spike (doubling) in memory use during layout changes with Ejecta. That spike can cause crashes if the device doesn't have enough memory to handle it. This behavior is not present in Crosswalk/XDK for Android. On CJS, its worse since that "spike" high usage is always from the start.
At the moment, it is not recommended to make big games with lots of art assets for iOS, its just not possible given our current wrapper toolsets: Ejecta and CocoonJS.
For Android, its only possible thanks to Crosswalk, but again, its missing quite a few monetization features. It's a waiting game unfortunately.
We just have to make do with games that don't use too much big art or lots of big animation frames.
jayderyu In my own testing, audio music has no impact since its loaded on call and for that track that you play only. Sound is loaded into memory the first time its played (with Crosswalk) so there's a slight delay on the first sound fx, but subsequent ones are fine. Generally sound files (short 1-2s) dont consume much memory.
MaorKeshet My biggest layout in c2 for one of my game was reported as 83MB memory used. It used 460MB of memory when running on devices compiled with CocoonJS. It kills most Apple devices, instant crash on load.