Milo's Journey Has finally launched on iOS ... ?ls=1&mt=8
Major content updates to soon be released
there is not reason for you to be setting your game to use full hd unless your targeting only the newest high end phones the phones your trying to end on look like old low-mid range . the Samsung your testing is only 480 x 800 pixels so try something around there. my game are 1280x720 and i find i have pretty good performance on a wide range of phones and i can have things look good. Also the Samsung galaxy s early range have terrible drivers and/or performance when using the default touch-wiz software.
what effects are you tring to use. and have you tried running in a different browser or runn your project in debug preview to see if it says it's running in webgl ?also have you check your project settings?
go to the emulate and develop tabs to make sure your app in imported. then click on you project name(first tab) and make sure you filled everything out
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
check the image points on your player
you could use on Nth touch start and use 0 then it only will count first touch. or on tap/on hold. or in you need when the touch ends use on any/orNth touch end and is touching object in one event it works great
That could be awesome. Most likely this isnt possible with the current editor. so hopefully this could be something they add in C3
cool website. put my game up. your login with facebook is broken
for #1 read through this there are shortcut keys for what your asking
it will only trigger the last thing touched. it is what i use
on any touch end and then also use the condition is touching object
check your collisions. also i'm not sure if it will work better for you but try On Touch end/ then put these three events as a subevent but change the condition is touching Object.
Member since 22 May, 2013