Hello, I don't know if anyone has asked about these features, but here are some ideas I would love to seein C2.
1) An option to add a BLANK event or sub-event space without opening the 'Add Event' window. This would allow adding copied event.
2) A button or way to destroy all instances of an object at once on the inspector page instead of one at a time.
3) It would be nice if the C2 program remembered all the margins and box sizes for the events and actions upon minimizing >< maximizing the program window. Sometimes I accidentally grab the program window and it goes to half-window size, but then, when I go back to full window, all the margins are reduced to minimum and I have to redrag them to proper size.
4) A really big help would be if, upon undoing/redoing recent events, the screen would jump to the spot and highlight the area of the event or change in question. Sometime I find myself undoing a bunch of changes and having to search for what they were and hope to notice them.
5) Possibly a bug: I notice that occasionally the icon for an object changes to a different frame of the object instead of staying as the 1st frame. Is there a reason for this?
Anyway, love the program and I'm having a blast creating. Any ideas or help on these issues is appreciated