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  • But you aren't placing the tower - you cancel the place. Add Set InHand to 0 after Tower1.Destroy - you'll see it works again.

    that was pretty stupid of me.. its getting harder to keep track of variables i have put.. (but i guess it gets easier as you do this more) anyway thank you very much for your help sir, wasting your time on this.. haha..

  • You didn't reset InHand, it's still 1.

    yes i did sir.. its set to 0 again when i place the tower to the towerbase..

  • im working on a tower defense in construct 2.. and i want to put some kind of cancel if the player change their mind to build the tower.. i currently have it set up like this:

    On Right button clicked ---> Tower1 Destroy

    Is Build

    it does the job on cancelling an order but after that i cannot build anymore tower..

    here is the project file im working on:


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  • In the future you need to save your project as single file (capx) and share just the capx file, not the entire folder.

    I modified your "autosave" file, so it might not be the latest version of your game:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/fsndp78ierdqo ... .capx?dl=0

    You should spawn new towers from "TowerDisplay" object, not from Tower1.

    I also removed all off-screen objects and moved them to an unused layout. This way they will not interfere with your game.

    When you add new objects, place them onto that Assets layout.

    thank you very much for your help sir/ma'am.. i didnt even notice that i was spawning from the tower itself.. im trying to solve this for a few days now.. i feel like an idiot now.. XD anyway thanks for your time and effort.. not only did you help me with the problem but also you gave me a few tips that will help greatly.. thank you very much for all of this..

  • I think the link you posted is invalid. (and yes, I removed * from https)

    It's asking me to login to my school account (?)

    Could you re-appload your project to another service, like dropbox?

    sorry about that.. here is a link in google drive: h*t*t*p*s://drive.google.com/open?id=1YdtpurkDsw8xSXG7j5-IyBXcEdcgrm4G

    thanks for the time..

  • hello everyone.. this is my first post and also a beginner at this.. so im currently creating a simple top-down tower defense game.. and im at the point where the tower will spawn when you click the the image of the tower but this is where the problem start.. as you click/spawn tower everytime it multiplies by two (example: 1 to 2 to 4 to 8 to 16.. etc).. ive run it at chrome..

    here is the link for the project im working on..


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