How do I cancel a Build Order??

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  • im working on a tower defense in construct 2.. and i want to put some kind of cancel if the player change their mind to build the tower.. i currently have it set up like this:

    On Right button clicked ---> Tower1 Destroy

    Is Build

    it does the job on cancelling an order but after that i cannot build anymore tower..

    here is the project file im working on:


  • You didn't reset InHand, it's still 1.

  • You didn't reset InHand, it's still 1.

    yes i did sir.. its set to 0 again when i place the tower to the towerbase..

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  • But you aren't placing the tower - you cancel the place. Add Set InHand to 0 after Tower1.Destroy - you'll see it works again.

  • But you aren't placing the tower - you cancel the place. Add Set InHand to 0 after Tower1.Destroy - you'll see it works again.

    that was pretty stupid of me.. its getting harder to keep track of variables i have put.. (but i guess it gets easier as you do this more) anyway thank you very much for your help sir, wasting your time on this.. haha..

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