reddwarf's Recent Forum Activity

  • Ashley

    Could you run your test-tools to check for errors again.


    Please take your time when translating, we got a lot of simple copy'n'paste errors that we should be able to avoid.

    Some words and sentences are harder to get a native translation for, but let us fix this together!


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  • Exactly!

    There are sentences that make no sense at all =), probably because of a quick'n'dirty translation.

    But we need to give the contributors the possibility to correct their own sentences.

  • Moritz: Will you fix your contributions? Looks like you got a'lot of entries that starts with a new row.

    And there is also some bbcode that has white spaces inside their tags. A error that's common when using google translate.


  • Finally is the Swedish language ready for review!

    Probably needs a'bit tweaking before joining the stable release, but it looks good overall!

    Great job everyone working on it!


  • Hej alla glada!

    Jag har precis hoppat på detta, då jag tänkte försöka komma igång med lite programmering med småfolket.

    Och då kunde man ju lika gärna jobba lite på sina egna språkkunskaper =).

    Funderar lite på hur ni tänker runt meningar med "On foobar..."

    T.ex "On wait finished" eller "On fade-in finished".

    "På väntan klar" eller "På intoning klar" känns ju inte helt rätt.

    Säkert bara jag som snurrat till det!


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