ive read ALOT about steam, and its nothing to do with exceptions, you have to keep posting your game to them, as they usually reject them instantly without looking at them when you first apply, theyre a tiny team, read up on it :)
There right, theres games like stealth ******* deluxe and hotline miami, each game maker games and yet they've made it, you see it depends on how many votes you get not on there opinion because it you get alot of positive votes in a bit they'll look at the game and most likely accept it since it actually takes no money to post a game on steam for them they only make money, and they do it because if people want it people will pay so they wont just reject you but if your game is unapealling to the public than they wont waste there time on your game. Also yea i know im posting this like 1 year after everyone else.... man to think that they said there'd soon be a port for steam and here we are a year later, no offense