i check it every day... more than once
looks super!
3rd example is beyond me...
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
ahh.... RTS, definitely RTS...
(multiplayer of Dark Reign + COH)
i dont use twitter... got facebook page?
Did you solved this problem?
Can you share solution?
Did you finish that RTS demo with multiplayer?
Hello... some help needed again
how can i expand my board in size?
I am trying simple system create object but it seems like board logic then changes to only new tiles?
situation is like this:
its a board and i am increasing it size so that i scale layer to 0.7 and i add new rows of tiles...
and now i want to reverse state of board and delete those newly created tiles.
I have dozen instances of the same object and i use system create object to spawn new instances... but how can i delete only them (newly spawned)?
iw tryed spawning them on new layer but theres no way to delete certain layer... any ideas?
even easier.... just one variable... health... if health max is 100 just set event in everytick that when ever health is > 100 to set it to 100
How can i set family for just certain object instances and not all of them?
Member since 26 Apr, 2013