> This could be a valid way to do it... Although, it seems like "Spacebar" doesn't return a string... > > Ashley, is this normal...? > I managed to do it well with this: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/364 ... arCode.zip
> This could be a valid way to do it... Although, it seems like "Spacebar" doesn't return a string...
> Ashley, is this normal...?
I managed to do it well with this: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/364 ... arCode.zip
This method with Kyatric's plugin does return a string for "spacebar", but it produces a lot of other problems, in my opinion of course.
This could be a valid way to do it... Although, it seems like "Spacebar" doesn't return a string...
Ashley, is this normal...?
I see... I never use the music folder, so I was unaware about this...
I find it reasonable that the playback rate is limited to 1 or bellow, since if you accelerate the playback speed it will probably mess up the streaming of the audio file...
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
I don't encounter the same problem. The following example plays just fine in both Chrome and Firefox. In Edge, the playback rate works but the looping isn't seamless.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/bld0w6mcjns8w ... .capx?dl=0
I'm also interested in this, but my guess is that the browser vendors don't care for such function... Hell, there isn't a way to have 5 button mouse support yet...
desasteraang , this is a start but it isn't the right way to do it, because there is some flickering/shaking in the zombies that I can't get rid off... Perhaps someone can improve upon this...
https://www.dropbox.com/s/5rghb7d7y7jct ... .capx?dl=0
satellite23 , you are welcome! Here is R0J0's example, I had it buried somewhere on my HHD. He does use families but his example, as I said, is amazing!!!
Here is a way to do it, but you'll need to use families.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/0rg9bpztog6ro ... .capx?dl=0
I believe R0J0 has an example somewhere that does an amazing job on objects pushing/avoiding each other! Try searching on the forum for that, I don't remember if he is using families or not...
sir LoLz , that is very cool! I really like how the color pass to the lens dirt!
LittleStain , wow, I'll have to recheck the definition of the word "easier"! Nice job !
You can make a shape that looks like an "inverted" polygon but I don't recommend it, it's time consuming to do and goes against C2 prinsiple of not using more than 8 vertices per collision polygon.
Here is a capx that uses the "inverted" polygon method, multiple sprites for detecting collisions, and the distance method. The distance is by far the most efficient way to do it. You'll have to find a clever way to fake the bouncing at random directions however.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/snj05xr3ic73t ... .capx?dl=0
sir LoLz , nice! The mysterious fireflies from the gritty forest!
Member since 24 Apr, 2013