Log Entry #7
Stardate: -308690.98173515976
It hasn't been long time since the last post, but we anyway have new informations to share:
We have got accepted as developers on IGS (indiegamestand.com), that means:
SoW will be featured on IGS, not only the final game, but already in the Alpha!
By having made this choice, we want to get more feedback & funds to support and improve SoW.
This will have the effect that SoW will be even better then initally planned!
Thats a great thing, aint it?
Now to what we have achieved in SoW in the past few days/weeks:
The new map is finished! Take a look:
It's just the plain map finished currently, but the tunnel background is still being worked on
As said, it have the unique gameplay changer, that there are NO air units, artillery or support strikes available.
I really think that my parter did a great job on this map
Besides having a new map finished, we invested some time in improving the collision polygons of the units.
Also, we did some intensive multiplayer testing, and found many bugs that now are fixed.
All of the Collision Polygons for the units got improved and updated.
So now the performance also should get a little improvements
In the next few days/weeks, we will further improve the backgrounds and some unfinished assets/replace placeholders.
It's quite a short post this time, but there is so much left to do!
Thank you for reading, be sure to checkout our Twitter & Facebook, to get the recent news about SoW and other projects