Scottybme's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi Ashley

    For all the already stated reasons.

    Also, if you give us the tools, we will find ways to use them.

    This must have come up before as in your introduction to Construct Animate on the official blog you state.....

    We are investigating more options to further integrate Construct Animate and Construct 3, including providing a way to use the video, GIF and image sequence export options from Construct 3 as well as Construct Animate. We hope to publish more information about that in future.

    And it's worth emphasizing, we are by no means giving up on Construct 3! We're excited about Construct Animate but game development has always been a huge part of what Construct is about, and always will be.

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  • Would it be possible to get the video and png sequence export ability that is in construct animate added to construct 3 ?

  • Hello everyone , is any one having a problem creating on iPad and trying to play a preview?

    It has not worked after beta R277.

    stable release works as it should.

    happens on iOS 14 or 15 and any ios browser.

    I've tried many different devices and projects.

    If others could try it would really help me to know if its something on my end.



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Member since 9 Dec, 2017

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