imagsol's Recent Forum Activity

  • (Please watch at either 4K or 1080P for smoother animation)

    POWZ-BALL My Upcoming 2-4 player PC Couch/Local Multiplayer Game.

    Currently i am working on a PC Couch/Local Multiplayer game. The game has many game modes and levels, out of which one is the Rag-doll football mode which is shown in this video.

    The Aim in this game mode is to score in the opponents goal post. The goal post appears randomly. The characters are difficult to control and the player can use jump and dash down moves to control their player to score the goal.

    This game mode has two options "Race to 5" and "Race to 10".

    The first person to score 5 goals wins the match and the the first person to score 10 goals wins the match respectively.

  • Hi guys, i am taking part in a gamejam. Please check out my game submission that was completed in around one day.

    Html5/Web version (best played in Chrome browser):

    Download version for windows (desktop/laptop):

    Both versions have a 2 player mode.

    Make sure you have 2 controllers connected and turned on before opening the browser and then run the game to play 2 player.

    I will definitely polish the game a lot, add more variety to it and change the main character as it was a joke for the game-jam and release it on Scirra arcade etc etc.

  • your website is some really great stuff from there.... e.g the crab....the bird....barrels.......and some level traps just to name a few....keep em coming man!!!

  • looks great dude, cant get the ship to move though...was about to sleep but took a quick the presentation. will play it in detail tomorrow and provide feedback.

    Update: just got it to work....damn love the warp effect when travelling to planets!

  • Hi guys, please check out the latest update of my game.

    The update includes:

    1. Added sharks in water

    2. New enemy type (mosquito)

    3. Moving platforms and boulders

    4. Physics based gameplay

    5. push and pull mechanics

    6. Mario esque coins popup from crates

    7. Light around player when in dark areas.

    I am also working on real fun online and local multiplayer party game modes.

    Please view the video at 4K for best graphical detail, else please view the video at 1080p 60fps.

    Let me know what you think and provide any feedback that you can.


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  • Just added some physics into the game for puzzle solving game play. Check out the video:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    In game music courtesy of

  • This game is looks good

    Thanks dude, appreciate that!!!

  • Just taking a look at the video, it looks like it's coming along pretty well

    Has a really nice Braid feel to it, which is nice. Excited to see what the finished product looks like. GL, Keep at it!

    Thanks for the like man, appreciate it keep checking back for progress and good luck with your projects!!!

  • Hi Everyone,

    I am very excited to show the work i have done on my platform game in 3 weeks.

    This plat-former game pays homage and is inspired by the best platform games of the past.

    It is in the early stages but i have a lot planned for this game.

    What is coming to this game is a good storyline, various bonus games, 6 locations, varying game-play mechanics in every level, slight rpg elements, multiple story paths.

    The basic storyline is that the wizards son has been taken hostage and what happens next is what you will experience in the game.

    Recent additions to the game have been better music and more difficult levels. The last level has fog and water effects.

    I will be releasing the playable demo of the beginning levels of the game over the coming weekend.

    This game is destined for Steam, GOG and Humble Store if possible and later on for mobile devices.

    The game is also 4K ready and looks great on a 4K screen.

    Please see the game in action by clicking the YouTube link below and watch it in 4K(preferred) for greater detail.

    Any feedback is welcome!

    In-Game Music courtest of opengameart .org

  • I am not targeting a web based game as my goal is to first release a HD game on steam, humble bundle and GOG if possible and if they accept it and then port it over to mobiles. Currently the game runs well on my S8+ but i doubt the game will do too well on less powerful phones so id have to target and resize the game to 720p for mobile devices.

    I already have a polished working game with 4 levels and but i have so much that i want to add to this game and everything is on track to make it a really good game but i think it will take a couple of months for the game to get finished and for me to put what i want to put in it.

    Knowing myself i will not be able to put in the game that i want to as i am never satisfied and always want to improve and add stuff to what i do but this time, i want to publish the game soon.

    I will be posting a demo of the game online soon and will post it here aswell. I am quite positive that you will like it.

    Thanks for your feedback, appreciate it.

    That looks really well polished. Are you planning on putting a demo on the Scirra Arcade? The video looks fun but it's hard to provide feedback without testing the gameplay out.

  • u just helped me big time with my problem....thanks!!!

  • Thanks for the feedback, i will try to keep your advise in mind in the weeks to come

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Member since 7 Dec, 2017

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