savvito123's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hello,

    Here is how friends join the same room but they have to share the code each other.

    Create a TextInput object and a button.

    On button pressed and textinput compared text is not equal to "" -> Join Room

    Game = "whatever"

    Instance = "whatever"

    Room = TextInput.text

    All the players have the same code they connect to same room.

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  • My problem is with spawn part.

    On start of layout i spawn 5 sprites at -144 Y and X 0 144 288 etc.

    When this sprites Y is greater than 0 i spawn another 5 sprites at 0 Y but it seems that some of New sprites leave a small spacing for the older sprites while they moving down.

  • Happy new year everyone.

    Layout size 720 x 1280

    Grid size 144x144

    5 sprites 144x144 in each row.

    Im trying to spawn unlimited sprites from up and moving down.

    All my attempts leave some space between the sprites at high speed.

    So Im looking for the best way.

  • Share a screenshot please.

  • left(YOURTEXT.Text,len(YOURTEXT.Text)-1)

  • Ok, I dont think so you can make that by change the variables number.

    You have to change how the number looks like by changing the text.

    Changing the text does not matter of what number you have , suppost you have $1000 and you add $5500 the variable go to $6500 at anyway , now you have to to edit how the text will show that.

    We gave you some examples allready.

    You have to check whenever the number is 5 6 7 8 etc digit and use the examples.

    Here is an example can show 999.999.999 if you want billion you have to add another line of code.

  • Check that

  • > > Easy way

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > > But the number is always 5 digits?


    > no. I want to add money feature. but it's hard to read

    It is very sad that there is nothing to do this automatically. It should definitely be in a program like Construct. I have looked at this issue but I cannot understand :( all I want to do is an easy to read money ...

    You want to read money.

    But how you want to read money?

    1.500 or 1.500.00 ? You want to include and cents?

    Or you want to add a dot to the last 3 digits?

  • Easy way

    But the number is always 5 digits?

  • Thank you oosyrag for your answers.

  • But Android can communicate with Ios?

    I want only to build it for Playstore and Appstore.

    Does the multiplayer object works with this 2 platforms?

    Or users with Android can connect only with Android users and ios with Ios.?

  • Hello.

    I just notice that players on pc can not connect with players with apk on mobile.

    I only found some old post so here i am to check If something change.

    Does multiplayer apk applications works on Android and ios?

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Member since 6 Dec, 2017

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