I just notice that players on pc can not connect with players with apk on mobile.
I only found some old post so here i am to check If something change.
Does multiplayer apk applications works on Android and ios?
It's probably networking issues that can be resolved with a TURN server rather than any compatibility problem between pc and mobile.
But Android can communicate with Ios?
I want only to build it for Playstore and Appstore.
Does the multiplayer object works with this 2 platforms?
Or users with Android can connect only with Android users and ios with Ios.?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
WebRTC is cross platform, so it technically should work across all devices. But, support for WebRTC itself isn't exactly universal... you'll have the best luck with the latest, updated browsers on their respective platforms.
Thank you oosyrag for your answers.