savvito123's Recent Forum Activity

  • FB instant game is not support leaderboard any more.

  • +1 Thats sounds beautiful, i remember i was checking for this before some years, i found that lennaert make some progress before 5 years.

  • Hello oosyrag

    Sorry for the late reply , because i only work 1 hour per some days.

    I finally manage to solve this with your help.

    Thank you very much.

  • I make some progress through your last comment and i can now check if 3 cards are in row but im still have a small problem.

    If 4 cards are in row it choose the 3 cards with the smallest variable, i need the opposite.

    Any idea?

  • With that way with 32 cards (numbers) i have to check all the compination for each number?

    Is there any easiest way to check If i own 5 or 4 or 3 cards that are in a row? (to check If the difference of each other is 1)

  • oosyrag

    Can you help me pick object in a row?

    Im trying to pick 5 cards like if i have 8 cards with a variable "1" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "9" "11" i want to pick cards with variable "3" "4" "5" "6" "7".

    I have 32 cards and im looking for a way to pick rows because there are a lot of compinations to do it manualy.

  • Add 3 conditions, compare instance variable = 2, compare instance variable = 4, compare instance variable = 6. Right click the event and click "Make OR block".

    Oh , its like my brain stop working.

    Thank you very much.

  • Hi,

    10 objetcs "card" with a variable called "id" from 1 to 10.

    How can i pick the cards have variable 2 4 and 6 so card.pickedcount = 3 ?

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  • Hello everyone,

    I have a difficult task for me and i do not know how to start to solve it.

    Its a multiplayer card game.

    Player take 8 cards and i want to recognize when a player have 4 same cards in hand, and if a player have 3 in a row , 4 in a row or 5 in a row all from the same kind.

    Cards have a variable called "play" wich is represent the animation frame.

    Kinds ar 4 -> hearts , clubs , diamonds and spades

    and cards are 7 8 9 10 J Q K A

    in total 32 cards. = 0 is the 7 of hearts = 1 is the 8 of hearts = 8 is the 7 of clubs

    4 of a kind is only for 9 10 J Q K and A

    And a trick here is that you can not take a 3 in a row inside a 5 in a row 7 8 9 10 J is 5 in a row but you cannot use this cards for make and 4 in a row or 3 in a row.

    Also you cannot use a card from 4 of a kind to create 3 in a row etc.

    Each card can be used once.

    So, Im looking for a direction how to start building this.


  • Dictionary.Get("te2")+Dictionary.Get("num")+ceil((Dictionary.Get("1")+Dictionary.Get("3"))/10)

    In your example you were dividing "3"/10 before add with "1"


    Thank you very much!!!

  • if the problem with photon is that it is significantly slower than the construct plugin

    contact me at my email

    No i do not have that issue,

    My only issue is that i prefer a free server instead of the expencive plans that photon have.

    Thats the only reason i want to switched to multiplayer construct plug in.

  • First thing i want its to add "1" to "3" after divide them and ceil it. After that add the "num" and "te2"


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Member since 6 Dec, 2017

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