vanhalen17's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hello,

    I've tried, newgrounds, scirra arcade, and everytime I upload the HTML5 zipped export from the free version of construct 3 the splash screen shows and then there is just a blank white screen instead of my game.

    Is this a common issue or am I just uploading my files incorrectly?

    Thank you for your attention,


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  • Hello all,

    My game is about racing a spaceship and avoiding mines that come in from off screen by judging their distance using the doppler effect.

    How would I go about implementing this in-engine?

    I am pretty sure my mines will not be moving, so I think that will help if a formula is needed.

    If Construct does not have a natural feature for this, then any tips on using/implementing this mechanic are highly appreciated.

    Thank you for your attention,

    Van Halen

vanhalen17's avatar


Member since 31 Oct, 2017

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