Hello Matt, I am trying to send you my new game in Construct 2 but in the process I find a few problems:
1) Export my Game as html5 web normal mode (you request an embedded iframe?, so i have to use embedded with the fixed sizes of the game?
2) Since I don't have my own server at the moment I use GoogleDrive. But the method explained in C2 tutorial doesn't work since I cannot edit the URL (and I don't see the FOLDERID thing mentioned in the tutorial...Since the exported project generates a bunch of files: a) first i share the whole folder of the game (but what i understand is that the shared link must be directly that of the indexhtml file and from this file its reads the whole game project??
3) Since you ask no to implement adds in the sended game I havent use the pluggin inside the game yet
4) When I send to myself the public link of the file index.html it opens the file in script view
(i think because it reads from the file in drive instead of the http address)
Alfonso Martinez
PD: solved-->Kristy? russian method works, you can get the public link of your index.html file clicking in More Options-->See Details-->public link...eureka!