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  • Confirmed. It was an issue with safari, I just downloaded chrome and inputing information into the array works just fine. Thanks

  • Thanks for the response. Unfortunately none of the info on that page helped with my issue as I cannot edit the array in the array editor. From the page you linked:

    "You can use Construct 3's Array Editor (Paid plans only) to set the initial contents of an array."

    I am able to create an array, but cannot input information into strings. I'm going to try using chrome instead of safari, maybe it's a browser issue? Thanks

  • Hello,

    Im running into an issue with the array editor, I can't seem to input any values. After creating a new array.json (on my MacBook ctrl+click on the File Folder) I can increase the x,y,z size of the array, and I can select different cells. When I have a cell any type stuff, nothing happens, I cannot input any data into any cells. I must be missing something pretty basic here, anyone have a suggestion? I also have the same issue with the dictionary editor. Thanks

  • Thanks for the reply, i'll try this out.

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  • I just bought Q3D a few days ago and am excited to see what I can do with it. I have seen multiple people in this thread reference a raycasting example file, but I cant seem to find in anywhere. Does anyone know where this .capx file is, or have a copy to it? I am trying to implement a drag and drop system for 3d dice on a 2d game board. I would be able to pick up the dice, and drop them in their own 'slot'. Apparently I need to cast a ray that shows the mouse XYZ in the 3d world and project it onto a 2d plane? Someone said this is covered in the example file, that's why i'm asking.

    Thanks for any info.

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Member since 6 Oct, 2017

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