Hi thehen
some good tips in your last post. I have read up on this and you are right, memory leaks are an issue in a lot of interactive books. I am currently using corona sdk and photoshop with kwik as a in-between gui.
So in some ways photoshop is already a level editor. However the loop to iterate interactivity is too long to make that an enjoyable process.
That's why I am looking into other 2D game engines to make this part quicker and more fun. I am not really a coder, so that makes me dependant on finding a visual coding solution, if not I could do all of this in corona. My target platforms are android and ios because of resolution and touch interaction.
Just to tie up a few loose ends :
There's at least five painting apps on ipad for under five pounds that export layered psd's
I have used photoshop scripts before, to batch export jpg/png's. The problem is on the other end, when I bring it into construct. I don't want the the layout of my page to be messed up or having to redo it.
I don't know too much about construct2, so maybe I need to rethink how to proceed, based on your advice.
Thanks again for replying,