Sprite.Animationframe returns the current frame in the "Sprite" object. So for example if you wanted to display the frame with a text object, set the text to 'Sprite.Animationframe' and the current frame number will be displayed.
10x a lot of working .
Dear friends.
I have one problem and can't do same solution please help me .
I have
<img src="http://s24.postimg.org/r9ykl2if9/Capture.png" border="0" />
now when starting drag I want to know which frame user drag ,
maybe someone know how can I do ...
I wrote a tutorial about this topic https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/469/implementing-fisher-yates-shuffling-algorithm
I wrote a tutorial about this topic
10x a lot of .. I understand :)
I have read this topic .. but resolve problem whit plugin Randomized Array
10x for answering:)
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Guys I need a help .
I have array .
1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,
now i need a shuffle the numbers.
when i use random operator . i have shuffled numbers but there are repeted ..
i need what numbers don;t repeated like 3,6,4,9,1,7,5,8,2
10x . :)
guys where mistake
<img src="http://s22.postimg.org/53a35cvht/image.png" border="0" />
I can check trust.at(lev-1) = 3 but action doesn't work
<img src="http://s4.postimg.org/vw4xslc31/text.png" border="0" />
in text box write 1 3
I cant understand why don't check the value
please help
I think you need to buy . :D
see Families tutorial and Space Blaster game examples you can find it Costruct2\examples
there is a debug program or method ..
like see array values or same variable in process.
hello guys .
I have same problem . I can't understand why ..
I have xml
how I can compare value of trust (in this exam. "C") whit another variable
like this
if "trust/text()" = C do this
else if "trust/text()" = D do this....
Dear friends please help
I have 2 questions
1st .
How can I upload Image and same parameters from folder to game whit "xml" (each level) .
How can I split this image in "n" parts
and have image parts ID .
<img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22173473/droppicsplash.png" border="0" />
Thank you ....
Member since 7 Mar, 2013