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  • Try something like this

    On melee attack hit

    .. set enemy animation frame to enemy.animationframe+1

    so i've tried that and it doesn't seem to work. what i have going is the enemy has a walking animation that stops when the player gets close (event:Sprite-->Platform On Stopped-->action:Sprite-->Stop animation

                                       -->action:Sprite-->Set anim. frame to 4)

    after he stops, i want the player to hit him three times with each hit advancing one frame of animation to show the damage he's taken.

    i've named the damage animation 'collapse' so i tried this:

    (action:Sprite-->Set frame to (Sprite.Collapse.frame+1)%Sprite.Collapse.Animationframecount)

    but that doesn't seem to work. not that i know why it would, i don't really know what i'm doing obviously. haha.

    thanks anyway for your help.

  • okay, so i am building a pretty straight-forward platformer and i am having trouble assigning a certain behavior to one of my enemies.

    i want the player's melee attack against the enemy to advance a separate animation for the enemy by one frame for each collision.

    it seems like it shouldn't be as difficult to implement as i am making it. anyone have any ideas?

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Member since 6 Mar, 2013

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