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  • I have the following bit of code that pulls out a random quote and it's author from an array.

    Array.At(0,Array.randomQuote) & newline & "~ "& Array.At(1,Array.randomQuote)[/code:vwvhc3sv]
    Can I format it so the [code:vwvhc3sv]"~ "& Array.At(1,Array.randomQuote)[/code:vwvhc3sv] has different text formatting? eg make it bold and italic? Or do I have to have to put it in a different text object below with it's own formatting?
    In which case how would I position the second line (Author) of text under the first line (Quote) if the first line would be of a random length?
    Cheers all
  • Any chance you could elaborate on this?

    I appreciate you replying but it’s a bit vague for those of us with significantly less experience in this than you.

    How/why would I integrate the Facebook SDK? Will doing this help create a leaderboard? Etc.

  • How would I go about creating a high scores table and saving players’ scores? Is this what is referred to as Global Highscore or am I confusing a term used for something else? Would I need to host a database on a server somewhere? Also, I’m guessing players would need to sign in via some method?

    Are there any tutorials to show how to do this?

    Cheers all

  • Yep, I’d like to know how to do this too.

  • Hi - does this work for Construct3?

    I can't see from the demo exactly what the plugin does, but I need something that bings up a phone's native 'share via' buttons when the share button in my app is pressed. Is this what this plugin does?

    Do you have and live demos?

    I've zero experience with using these plugin and am tying myself in knots trying to get this particular feature to work. How easy is it to implement? Do you offer support in getting the plugin to work?


  • I'm looking to add an IAP feature in a new app - not real world money, but points gained in the game.

    There will potentially be 100s of items to purchase. There will be several different types of product (AA, BB, CC, DD) that cost various amounts (10, 20, 30 etc)...

    I'm guessing I wouldn't import all of these images and the associated data into the game layout like normal sprites, but rather reference them via an array or similar. Is this correct?

    Each item would have to have several prices of data including:

    • Item name
    • Product type (AA, BB, CC, DD)
    • Sprite name
    • Short description
    • Long description
    • Price

    And would also have to only appear when the user accrues enough points (10, 20, 30 etc)

    Would I have to add the details to a Construct array by hand, or can I import them from an existing database I've been compiling?

    Are there any tutorials how to do this? Or better still are there any pre-built examples - I'm guessing this is a pretty common feature that's been used pretty widely.

    Cheers all

  • Ha, never mind - I found the 'Every X seconds' action.

  • Probably a real simple one this, but I have a button that you tap to add to score. To save the points and reset the score, the user presses Bank.

    How do I get it so if the button isn't tapped then the score slowly decreases - eg, lose 1 point per second?

  • Spot on - thank you

  • I have a sprite (Countdown) with three frames 0/1/2 that have three numbers for a countdown 3,2,1, plus a background graphic (CountdownBackground) that that overlays the rest of the layout.

    When the Play button is pressed, CountdownBackground appears and the system is told to wait for 3 seconds while the following happens...

    • Countdown is set to visible
    • Animation frame is set to 0 (displaying 3)
    • Fade out time is set to 1 second
    • Fade starts
    • repeat for 2 and 1

    However, CountdownBackground does appear and the system does wait for 3 seconds - but the Countdown sprite never appears, fades out or reappears with the next animation frame.

    What am I doing wrong?

  • Right - I've uploaded a .zip file to (I've no idea what I'm doing) and I have an error flag - I'm guessing I need to add some sort of Key - where it says No key selected.

    Any idea where I get this key from?

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  • Got it.

    It was the initial Call function that threw me, as when you create a function out of events/actions you give it a name and "call" it something. But when you want to use that function, you then call it.

    Wonder if it's possible for Scirra to change the initial "call" to "name" as this might clear up any confusion.


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