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  • I had this exact same issue and thought something wrong was going on. I had failed to do a few steps:

    • Publish the game service for my game
    • Include the AppID in the GooglePlay object

    Yeah I’ve done both of these. Care to list your action/event sequence?

  • Anyone care to do the community a favour and show just how they structure their events/actions to successfully connect their apps to the Google Play leaderboards?

    I’ve currently got it where the app connects and brings up a connecting window and spinning connecting wheel, then nothing - it just does nothing. I’m guessing there’s a specific chain of events to follow - either that or the Google Play object is bugging out.

  • Ashley - any news on this at all?

  • Is there any news on implementing the MobileAdverts plugin Admob GDPR banner settings for iOS yet? It works fine for Android, just waiting for iOS functionality now.

    For those with iOS apps already live and using the Admob plugin, do you bother complying with GDPR regs at the moment or are you running your apps without adds?

    Thanks all :)

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  • The C3P file is a zip file containing text files.

    Decompress the content of your file, open "project.c3proj" in a notepad.

    In that file, you have first the line "savedWithRelease" that you need to change the value of to the release you want to open your project in.


    "savedWithRelease": 10400


    "savedWithRelease": 98000

    to change from release 104 to 98.

    Then you will have to modify the "version" value for all depicted "usedAddons" as well.


    			"type": "plugin",
    			"id": "Sprite",
    			"name": "Sprite",
    			"author": "Scirra",
    			"version": "r104",
    			"bundled": false


    			"type": "plugin",
    			"id": "Sprite",
    			"name": "Sprite",
    			"author": "Scirra",
    			"version": "r98",
    			"bundled": false

    to change from 104 to 98.

    Once done, save this file, recompress into the c3p file and then you can try and open it up in a previous release.

    It will work only if you are not using specific features that were implemented after the older release.

    Thanks - I've just tried this but once the recompressed file is saved as a zip then renamed as a c3p it is greyed out in the Open File list. Don't know if this is because I'm working on a Mac?

  • I’m having problems building my app in Xcode - I’ve been developing it in /r105.

    Is there a way to open my app in a previous build eg /r98 to see if I can get it working from that instead?

    Thanks all.

  • Is anybody else having this build issue in Xcode, or can anyone shed some light on the error:

    Could not signal service 113: Could not find specified service

    Is this a build-service error? There's nothing I've changed in my app to trigger something like this.

  • In regards to the initial issue, the following code is flagged with the error in the main.m file:

    #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { { int retVal = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, "AppDelegate"); return retVal; } }

    Searching on Google it seems to be a Cordova build issue - see here:

    Ashley - any idea how to sort this?

  • But apply wont approve apps/games that doesnt support iphone x screens right?

    I'm not sure - I started a thread asking the same question recently but got no replies. If thats the case then Scirra need to get it sorted otherwise no one can submit to the App store, which is a massive reason for choosing a platform like Construct as it means you don't have to learn Swift.

  • Can you tell me how to make a game display correctly on an iphone x?

    Nope, sorry. I’ve got the same problem with iPhone X too. Not sure if Construct supports deving for iPhone X display yet.

  • I’m not using Unity ads - I’m using Admob and the Mobile Avert plugin.

    I’ve deleted the plugin and the function that calls the ads, rebuilt and still get the error.

    Was all working fine up until 48 hours ago. 😐

    Did you get the same error and blank screen though?

  • Is anybody else having issues building via XCode?

    Until a couple of days ago my builds were going through fine, now the app fails when building and I'm getting the following error in the XCode build log:

    2018-06-16 00:12:08.284657+0100 New Project[2137:363537] Could not signal service 113: Could not find specified service

    Whereas this seems to point to an Apple-based issue, I've tried rebuilding with other app IDs that work and the problem persists - therefor the issue must be a project level based issue.

    So I've gone through my app and to narrow the issue down I've deleted each layout individually and rebuilt individually, deleted each event sheet individually and rebuilt individually and deleted each plugin individually and rebuilt individually.

    Anyone else having this issue?

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