Bootfit's Recent Forum Activity

  • I've tried the following:

    Touch > on touched SettingsButton > Mobile Advert > Show user consent dialog

    I've also added my Application ID, Publisher ID and URL Privacy Policy link to the Mobile Advert object and exported for Android and installed on my Android test device plus I've also exported and installed for iOS.

    Neither builds work or do anything.

    Anyone else get this working yet? Anyone want to share a screengrab? Do we need to implement javascript in someway?

  • Is it possible via Construct to create an app that has functionality that allows the user to access their contact list and send a pre-filled text or photo message?

    If so, which plugins do I need to focus on?

    Thanks all :)

  • When displaying on the iPhoneX my app has the black bars on the top and bottom of the screen.

    What do I need to change my display settings to so that my background fills the full screen?

    I currently have:

    Viewport size: 2160 x 3840

    Width: 2160

    Height: 3840

    Aspect ration: 9:16

    Viewport fit: Auto

    Fullscreen mode: Letterbox scale

    Fullscreen quality: High

    Orientations: Portrait

    Sampling: Linear

    Thanks all :)

  • When displaying on the iPhoneX my app has the black bars on the top and bottom of the screen.

    What do I need to change my display settings to so that my background fills the full screen?

    I currently have:

    Viewport size: 2160 x 3840

    Width: 2160

    Height: 3840

    Aspect ration: 9:16

    Viewport fit: Auto

    Fullscreen mode: Letterbox scale

    Fullscreen quality: High

    Orientations: Portrait

    Sampling: Linear

    Thanks all :)

  • I currently have the following:

    Touch > is touching SettingsButton > Mobile Advert > Show user consent dialog

    I've also added my Application ID, Publisher ID and URL Privacy Policy link to the Mobile Advert object and exported for iOX(XCode) and imported/built in XCode but it doesn't do anything.

    Anyone else get this working yet?

  • I currently have:

    System > Score = 10 |---> System > Trigger once > System > Create Object MedalParticles on Layer 50 at (1253, 480)

    And that still triggers multiple times.

  • Any chance someone who�s managed to implement the new requirements and actions post a .c3p to show what it is they�ve done?

  • Try Construct 3

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    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • I�ve tried Trigger Once but it didn�t work - I obviously didn�t place it in the correct place. Where in the actions/event flow would it go?

  • I Have a one shot particle effect that occurs when the player reaches 10 points.

    System > Score = 10 > System > Create Object MedalParticles on Layer 50 at (1253, 480)

    However the effect continues to loop while the player has 10 points instead of just firing once. I only want the effect to happen once, rather than to continually happen until the player gets 11 points.

    How can I get this effect to fire just once?

  • Anyone managed to get this working yet?

    I've currently got:[/img]

    Still not working...

  • Yeah I'm not using Construct 2 but Construct 3. Has anyone managed to implement this in Construct 3 - If so could the post a screenshot of the event sheet?

  • Has anybody managed to get this working? Would someone be able to share an example c3p or screenshot?

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