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  • Been working on this over the weekend on my app - I've got it set up so if MobileAdvert fails to configure or MobileAdvert fails to load (using 'on configuration failed' and 'on banner failed to load') then text boxes appear indicating which.

    Both text boxes appear meaning that MobileAdvert fails to configure on iOS and so the banner fails to load.

    So the initial issue is getting the banners to configure on iOS.

    If has his banners configuring and loading on iOS perhaps its a clash with other plugins that we're using.

    The plugins I'm using are: Audio, Browser, Function, GameCenter GooglePlay, LocalStorage, MobileAdvert, Mouse, SocialSharingPlugin, Touch.

    which plugins are you using in your app - I'll delete those that don't match yours and see if there's a clash. Also, are you building via Xcode or Cordova?

  • You need to add the MobileAdvert object to your project. Then in the MobileAdvert properties panel you need to fill in the Application ID and Publisher ID.

    Then you need to:

    MobileAdvert > Configure - and fill in the details

    MobileAdvert > Create banner advert - and fill in the details

    MobileAdvert > Show the current banner advert

    Is this failing on Android or iOS? Does it fail when Test mode is enabled or does it just fail when you're testing with live ads?

  • Folks - any idea on how to do this?

  • Odd that yours are appearing but mine aren’t. I’ve even got the emails from Google saying they’re appearing.

    Any chance you can post a quick breakdown of your ad layout on your event sheet?

    - as I haven't made my app live yet, on the AdMob interface I've yet to click the button 'Link your app with the App Store' - do you think this will be an issue?

    Also, I'm building on r111 - but the version of the Mobile Advert plugin is the version I added a couple of months back. Do I need to re-add the plugin for the latest version or does it auto-update?

  • My ads aren’t showing on iOS - only on Android. Both using exactly the same setup. They show fine in test mode but not in test mode off.

    Are yours showing in test mode off?

  • Now we just need iOS.

    Yeah I’ve been poking them continually about that to no avail - it’s been almost 3 months now and still nothing. Also when you take Test mode off your app and try to show real ads on iOS the ads just don’t appear.

    There’s clearly an issue with Construct, the GDPR plugin and iOS - we need more users to make a noise about it. If not on here then on places like Reddit where beginner devs are looking for suggestion for game dev engines. If users can’t monetise their iOS apps then Scirra need to clearly state this before users pay up for the year.

  • Just updated it. The pop up appears now right before the Play/How screen 👍

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Google ads for iOS are screwed in Construct. Not only does the Google GDPR pop up not work in iOS the adverts themselves don’t show when the correct Ad IDs etc are entered into the Mobile Advert plugin and the app is built with Test Mode set to Off.

    Today I got an email from Google saying We Have Lift Off and said I was showing Google ads - this came after I tested the game with Test Mode off, so Google thinks (or perhaps actually is) it’s showing adverts on my game when in fact the adverts simply aren’t displaying.

    Somebody sort these issues out please - it’s beyond a joke now.

  • Thanks for the reply and setupdetails.

    So like sachos345 you're setting up the Mobile Advert properties for only Android, correct?

    Also, do you have "show ad free option" or "Show purchase option" enabled? I don't have a paid version of the game so I have it unchecked.

    I have Admob set up for both Android and iOS. I haven’t shown it above, but in my app I have the ‘Mobile Advert configure’ event branching for Android and iOS so I have both sets of App IDs in the event sheet. When I export I just change the App ID in the Mobile Advert property panel to match either Android or iOS then export for Android and change the App ID and export for iOS. Ideally there’d be two App ID text boxes so you could enter Android in one and iOS in the other.

    I don’t have a ‘show ad free’ option as I don’t have a paid version available.

  • To get mine to work I did the following:

    On the Mobile Advert plugin properties:

    • fill in Application ID
    • fill in Publisher ID
    • fill in Privacy Policy URL

    On the first page I want the ad to show:

    • System > On start of layout > Mobile Advert > Configure: app ID "APP ID HERE", pub ID "PUB ID HERE" privacy policy URL "PRIVACY POLICY URL HERE", show purchase option false
    • System > On start of layout > Mobile Advert > Create banner advert "BANNER ID HERE" size: Smart portrait show: true

    This makes the app automatically show the GDPR popup once the page loads. The user chooses to accept the cookies or not. If they want to change these settings I have a sprite to click on that opens up the GDPR settings popup again.

    • Touch > On touched SPRITENAME > MobileAdvert > Show user consent dialogue

    This all works fine on Android - obviously not on Apple because Scirra can't get it to work on iOS because because.

    Hope this helps :)

  • *bump*

  • I'm on r105 - had mobile ads working fine for the past couple of months with Test mode on when built in Xcode.

    Turned off test mode and built via Xcode again and the ads aren't appearing now.

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