-Not having fast travel in a large game
I was going to say, except when moving around the sandbox is fun like prototype where you freerun and fly around or just cruising with the radio on in GTA. But still, there's really no excuse not to have a fast travel, there's no benefit to forcing the player to waste time like that if they want to get somewhere fast
In general, I hate when game designers don't respect the player's time.
Strongly agree. I know devs want people to play their game for as long as possible, but I'd rather play a shorter game with great content than a longer game that is bloated and drawn out.
my personal hates are:
-Anything that makes me want to check a guide online rather than figure it out myself, like collectibles in open world games, buying a map in game and crossing off the map items one by one is fun, finding a map online and trying to keep track of which ones you have, isn't fun
quests. yeah these can be done well but mostly are terrible, worst offenders are the ones that include; stupid AI, escortees that run blindly into danger, weak escortees that die easy and make you restart the whole damn thing.
-tutorials that treat you like an imbecile. you know the kind, "before you get to the good part of the game, jump through all these hoops for 20 mins until you've proved you can do every little thing from pressing A to jump to this complicated thing you aren't even going to use"