SergeyD's Recent Forum Activity

  • Is there any way to copy/paste events in eventssheet on mobile and move it?

  • Hello! Let me introduce our game. It will be runner-platformer about dinosaur.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

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  • Jayjay Thank you very much!

  • Join to topic creator. Replacement "platform" behavior with custom movements for enemies will be good for optimization. It is my next important issue. Well how can I open *.cap file with current version of Construct 2.

    Thank you!

  • Thank you! I recently found that using tiled background is improve FPS on mobile. And I try to use tiled for all static objects. Even I fill all level with one tiled background object my FPS stay on place (~40), but if I using sprites for every platform I have FPS about 10.

    Thank you anyway!

  • For example I have 6 tiles texture of earth.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    How can I use ONE tiled background object "earth" for all kinds of tiles: left grass, right grass and etc?

    Thank you!

  • Maybe it's impossible?

  • Thank you for reply! Are you mean sprite1 covers sprite2? 2 times more sprites?

    I am looking for optimizing my game for mobile and try to use ONE tiled background object for all non-moving objects.

    Thank you!

  • Hello! Tiled backround object now cutting from right and bottom.

    I wondering can I create one tiled backround object and use texture wich consist form different sprites (tileset) and select cutting texture from top and left? Actualy it will different sprites but one tiled backround object.

    Thank you!

  • Thank you guys for your help. Both advices works fine! Issue with fade-outing platforms is solved for me.

  • Hello community.

    I newbe with Construct 2. I just started my platform game and faced with the problem: in my game I have temporary fade-out bricks, when the player is stands on brick is disappearing by fade-out method. In that moment I set Solid is disable, but player still stay on the brick. Looks like solid is still enebled. But if I jump on it, player is falling through without collisions. Can you give me advice? Thank you.

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Member since 3 Mar, 2013

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