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  • Yea this thread has been really helpful to be honest.

  • Thanks for the help I might not be bothered to do that though.

  • Your graphics will need to be handled in whatever app you drew them with. You don't get a lot of options for handling anti-aliasing, etc... you can do pixel art style stuff, but outside of that, you need to make sure you are drawing each frame the way you want it before you bring it in.

    Also, saying, I still don't get it and I didn't finish the tutorials that were suggested because I am assuming they won't help doesn't really get you very far.

    You won't get anywhere without putting in the work, experiment, do more tutorials, read the manual, etc...

    You're changing the words there. I said I'll leave it for another time to do, because I'm not using Construct 2 24/7 am I?

    And I did set the anti-aliasing to x16 in Blender, so as I said... the images are ALREADY anti-aliased (sorry for the caps), but when the player is moving while you're playing the game the anti-aliasing turns off.

    You can see for yourself here:

    When you open the preview of the player sprite, the edges are smooth in every single frame for every animation.

  • Antialiasing usually only applies to 3D games. In Construct 2, a different technique is used: when you press crop it automatically leaves a 1px transparent border around the edge. This is not actually antialiasing, but it does help give rotated objects a "smooth" edge. Try pressing crop on any objects with sharp edges - it will add a 1px transparent border if there isn't one already.

    Yea of course I crop every single image, why the hell wouldn't I for a player sprite?

    And with the program I rendered it with (Blender) I set the AA to x16 and if you check the preview of the player sprite you can see its smoothness:

    It's just when an animation is being played that it's not smooth.

  • BUMP please

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  • It's already there, but if an animation is being played then the edges aren't really smooth...

  • Help please

  • The animation doesn't change because you made deceleration very low. The player still slightly moves till full stop for a second. You should increase it by a lot.

    Also, it doesn't help that you assigned platform behavior to both "Player" and "Player_image". You mixed "Player" and "Player_image" conditions. "Player" is irrelevant according to your events.

    Compare to

    Thanks for that. Finally someone who actually takes time to help.

    Btw how do I add anti-aliasing to when the player is doing an animation? If the player was not doing one, then the edges would be smooth. But if an animation is being played the edges aren't really smooth.

  • (can't post hyperlinks, sorry.)

    I couldn't do the tutorial with the Jungle sprites because I don't have those sprites, but I followed the top-down shooter and building a platformer tutorials. But how come, even though I set the animation to "standing" on stopped, the running animation continues for a couple of seconds while I'm not moving?

    And if you were kind enough to check the file, the reason why I didn't just mirror the animation when a wall is to the left, is because I didn't want everything mirrored, e.g. the standing animation (because it is facing you, so it just looks a bit weird when mirrored). Also that's not the problem.

    Thanks for your time.

  • It "take ages" because you don't handle the moment you release the left or right arrow keys.

    If you change the animation at the moment the key is released you should fix your issue.

    This is basic stuff that is explained in the

    Don't just wait for answers in your single thread, check the rest of the forums.

    Thanks for the guides. I did actually do two of the tutorials, don't think they said anything about that. The top-down shooter and the Building a Platform game one. I finished up to page 5 then I left the rest for another time because I assumed it was only extra stuff. I didn't do the tutorial you linked because I don't have the sprites... they should be making it free, since it's a tutorial.

    But how do I add anti-aliasing to the animation? if the player isn't doing an animation, there's the x16 anti-aliasing that I rendered it with, but if it's doing an animation then it goes really jagged. I've searched as well. And in the image previews the sprite looks pretty smooth.

  • Hello can someone please help me...

  • Bump please

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