change color based on a three color gradient mapped by lightness (webGL and webGPU)
Bokeh Blur (webGL and webGPU)
Directional Blur (supports webGL and webGPU) set kernel, angle and spacing. Can be used as a motion blur
port of the shader to webGPU + performance optimization for webGL
manage HP, Health, Hit Point or Hearts easily in your game
Fade out the edges with a bunch of properties to set (webGL and webGPU)
procedural animated God Ray effect (webGL and webGPU)
Trim an image to a percentage of its size (webGL and webGPU) ported from a shader by user Somebody
Flag or flame like distortion (webGL and webGPU) ported from Somebody
only render every nth pixel (webGL and webGPU) based on C2 shader by the user Somebody
Frosted Glass effect (webGL and webGPU)
Color Vignette with some additional parameters (webGL and webGPU)
Member since 6 Jul, 2017