We kind of need more information than that.
Since you can't give us the .capx could you at least try to give us ways to replicate the problem?
I do not think that you can do such a thing with text file but you could do object variables on the NPC's that you would like to do that with.
You could set it so that at every dt seconds it spawns. I don't work with dt much though so I wouldn't know.
I'm not exactly sure if this is what you mean, but...
you could create a text box and set it to what ever that person types until a button or key is pressed, eg. enter, it then sets that custom key.
just a sec....
This should help:
once you have your font downloaded this should work!
You would set different animations for each way he is looking. then sya that when the mouse is between X degrees he is using the certain animation set to looking at that direction.
hope that helped!
This should work if the object has a bullet behavier:
every tick ---> object rotate 1 degrees(x=Plyer.Y,Y=Player.X)
This makes it rotate away from the main player.
AI problem fixed!
Couldn't you just make another frame or two?
Thanks so much for your help!
If it is under sound and you are using an audio file you could use this event:
On Mouse click object(button to start game) ---> Audio stop ("music")
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set an event so that if nothing is in the line of sight he will stand there. that will probably fix it.
Member since 17 Feb, 2013