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  • So I have a bunch of AI in a layout and I'd like them to be aware of each other and their state.

    For example, I have two AI's in a room. One AI spots me and becomes aware, should the other AI be in the vicinity/have line of sight on me, then they too will become aware.

    My problem is that I cannot fathom how to check if one enemy type sees an enemy type that is not itself. How do I check for this?

    I am basically wanting to script any AI that have line of sight to other AI to become aware.

    Any help on this matter would be super appreciated.

    I am sorry for the lack of capx - my project is now so monstrous and confusing I don't really think it would help.

  • You can it like this as well:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Super useful post - could this thread be moved to "How do I..."?

  • <img src="" border="0" />

    - Allow for larger games

    This! :)

  • A random screenshot from One Day From Retirement before bed...

    <img src="" border="0">

  • Nice! Hope to see more of this in the future :)

  • I'm a big fan of the CryEngine, I've worked on multiple projects in the past; namely Ryse and Streets of Rage.

    Drop in/out of game is super fast as are the iteration times. I find level design much better in this engine than any other. It also shares a lot of similarities with technology used at Ubisoft, so I'm rather biased ;)

    I've also used Unreal for a couple of projects, including the open world title, Wheelman - it was really quite flexible and Kismet is a neat scripting tool (I prefer it to CryEngine's Flowgraph). Some of my pals are working on the new Unreal Engine and say it could be world changing for indies - but then they would say that, wouldn't they ;D

    I've used Unity a couple of times for prototypes and game jams but I find it a little cumbersome and surprisingly unintuitive - though most would disagree.

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  • Nice! I think I might use this as a placeholder until I get around to making one that better suits my game :)

  • Yeah, after a little messing around, this is the solution I also came up with. It basically means treating the character as a tank - movement on the base with no rotation with a rotating character pinned on top that controls the shooting. Speaking of which, is it better to pin, or attach every tick?

    I was also just curious if there were any other methods?

  • A rather simple question really; is there any way that I can stop a collision polygon from rotating if the sprite needs to be rotated - it seems to be causing multiple problems with pathfinding.

    Thanks in advance :)

  • Game Boy Jam

    I wish I knew about this!

    I had a game I started for Construct a while ago...

    <img src="" border="0">

    Too many colours, I know. I'd love to go back to it though.

    And a shot or two of my game, One Day From Retirement.

    <img src="" border="0">

    <img src="" border="0">

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Sean Noonan

Early Adopter

Member since 13 Feb, 2013

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