I'm trying to figure out something I'm using the new websocket plugin to communicate with a C# websocket server (which only communicates in JSON)
so I'm using a Hashtable to load the JSON so I can work with it
and example of what the server sends would be:
Hashtable is named MessageQue
now if I use MessageQue.At("Data.Value") I get somevalue returned
but if I try to do MessageQue.At("Data") I get 0 returned.
how can I get the full "{Value":somevalue,"anotherValue":anothervalue}"
reason I need this is because I have JSON formatted for the array load function in the Data section and I need to pull the entire string or the array load fails.
eg {"Command":3,"Data":{"c2array":true,"size":[1,1,2],"data":[[[2,7]]]}}
I need to pull out just the {"c2array":true,"size":[1,1,2],"data":[[[2,7]]]} part
Thanks in advance